❀ Chapter 24: Your Fiancé's Waiting ❀

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"I'll miss you, buddy."

You hugged your tall best friend as tears were triggered to fall anytime. Joohyuk comfortingly patted the top of your head as you squeeze the life out of him.

"Do you want to kill me before I go?" He mumbled as he hugged you back. You shook your head on his chest, slightly tickling him. "That tickles, buddy."

"You should have souvenirs when yo come back, okay?! Don't forget that." Tiffany said, already in tears as she watched you two. You hesitantly pulled away from Joohyuk. Tiffany patted his back and smiled. "Give it your best shot, Hyuk."

"I will." Joohyuk grinned ruffling bith of yours and Tiffany's hair. "Be good, okay? Don't get too lonely without me. I'll be back before you know it."

"Don't worry, we'll replace you easily, stupid." You mumbled, playfully rolling your eyes as you crossed your arms. Joohyuk frowned and poked your forehead.

"Just try!"

"Paging, passengers for the second flight to Singapore, Gate 3 is already opened. May I repeat..."

You trapped your lower lip with your teeth as you felt like crying again.

Your best friend was leaving.

"Hey, hey. Stop crying now. I don't want to leave you guys here with those eyes." Joohyuk whined as he wiped your cheeks and glanced at Tiffany, who seems calmer than you. "Take care of each other while I'm gone, okay? I'll miss you two." He hugged you both together.

"Hyuk..." You caught his arm before he pulled away. "... wait for me there, ne?" Joohyuk's grin widened as he heard you.

"I will, buddy." He gently placed a kiss on your forehead, making you cry more. "Greet your father for me."

"Bye, Hyuk! Have a safe flight!" Tiffany said as she waved at him, his back on you and her. Joohyuk waved back before running towards the assigned gate with his luggage behind him.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's have a chat in a cute sweets shop here." Tiffany held your hand and walked ahead with you closely behind her. You glanced again at the airport.

"Bye, buddy."

You and Tiffany went to the sweets shop she was talking about earlier. The place has this calming atmosphere that makes you want to sleep as you sit down on their soft bouncy couch.

"So, you're telling me that your father wants you to marry someone from his world, aka the business world?! Is he that old? I mean, it's been a very long time when arranged marriage was popular to many." Tiffany exclaimed as she almost choked on her graham cheesecake. You cringed at her.

"Yes, unfortunately he already scheduled a meeting with my fiancé. It's even just after the wedding! What am I supposed to do?" You sighed as you stopped eating your blueberry cheesecake. Tiffany took a long sip of her cold-iced coffee before speaking.

"I know!"

Your eyes lit up as she cheered as if she thought of a very good plan.

"You can just meet him to tell him that you already have someone you love and leave dramatically with tears in your eyes! That will make him leave you alone, right? He'll let your father know that and your father will understand how much you love Kai! He won't be a hindrance anymore!" Tiffany narrated her fantastic plan with a proud grin. You slumped your shoulders as you looked down.

"Like it's that easy." You mumbled, stabbing your cheesecake with your fork. "Father will never allow that."

Tiffany noticed your sudden gloominess, making her feel sad too. You're like a sister to her already.

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