❀ Chapter 17: No Way ❀

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That wasn't— That— That's not for me, right? I mean, if it was, he meant as a friend, right? It could be for his mom or something. Yes. Right.

You nodded in agreement, clearly just trying to convince yourself. You suddenly shook your head before glancing at Sehun's sleeping form.

"Aish." You mumbled, finally getting out of the room and silently closing the door. You got your bag and looked at the clock near the door.

"Oh goodness. It's past 10 already."

You quickly opened the front door and went out to go home.

The journey back home was quiet and fast. There were a few cars on the streets but you can only count the people you passed by on your way. You sighed in exhaustion and relief as you finally saw the familiar gates of your dorm.

You were expecting Kai to open the gates and welcome you home but he wasn't there.

With your lower lip jutted out, you climbed up the gates and jumped down as you reached on the middle step. You took out your key for the front door and opened it. You smiled as you close the door and got ready to run to your room—

"It's quarter to 11 now. Where were you?"

You stopped on your tracks and slowly turned to the awfully familiar voice.

Kai was calmly sitting on the couch with his legs apart and arms crossed like a boss.

You gulped as you faced him.

Why am I even nervous? It's not like it's his business, right?

With that in mind, you stood up straight and confidently looked back at him but ending up cowering at his intense stare.

"W-Why are you glaring at me?" You asked, finally finding your voice somewhere. Kai didn't even blink at your question.

"Why are you trying you change the topic? How about you give me a reasonable answer to my question earlier?"

You looked away, biting your lip in frustration.

"I-I was just at a friend's apartment..." You mumbled quietly, even barely to be heard, but Kai's hearing was sensitive.


Your eyes widened, totally giving you away by your reaction. Kai scoffed.

How-How did he know that? Did he stalk me?!

"What in hell did you do there?" Even though he looks like he's mad, he asked you with his calm voice.

"H-He was sick. I figured he has no one to take care of him—"

"Are you really his friend or a nanny? Why does he need someone to take care of him? Isn't he a 23 year old boy now?" Kai argued, cutting your explanation off. You were getting annoyed by Kai's childish reasons.

"We're only friends, Kai. If you weren't informed, friends take care of each other whatever the circumstances are. Sehun might be a grown up man now but sometimes a person can rely on someone when they can't help themselves. He's just living by himself—"

"That's the point! Sehun's living by himself, that's why you shouldn't have gone there alone. You should've asked me to come with you or anyone!"

"You're the only one who thinks like that, Kai. Don't you trust your own best friend? I haven't known him as long as you have but I know Sehun won't do anything bad. Sehun's my friend too." You said, inwardly calming your raging self. You saw Kai stand up and walk towards you.

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