❀ Chapter 10: The Other Side ❀

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You put your hands in your pockets as you glance at the boy walking in front of you.

You've decided to take this talk outside of the dorm and just walk around the area.

But you didn't know it would be this cold outside.

Okay, maybe you did but you forgot.

You bit your lip for a couple of times, trying to make it more pinkish 'cause you felt like it's turning paler as time passes by.

"So?" You trailed off, trying to make Kai talk first.

You were really so curious about what Kai wants to talk about and why he looked so broken when he held your hand earlier.

Did I do something bad to him?
Why is he like this?
Did something happen?
Why would it concern—

Your thoughts were cut off when you suddenly bumped onto Kai's back.

"Oh shoot." You mumbled, backing away from him. "Sorry."

"I-It's fine. Can we just sit here and talk?"

You looked around and figured that you stopped in front of a bench near the playground. You immediately sat down, feeling tired after all the walking even though you're already used in walking around your area because of Hunnie, your dog. (remember the dog?)

"Okay, so what do we—"

"I'm sorry."

You turned to look at him but his hands rushed to stop you, gently placing your head on his neck.

"Let's talk like this, okay? I can't have you staring at me as I talk."

You gapped at your position right now. You must look like a couple in other people's eyes.

Omo. Can we really talk like this? If he can, I don't know if I can.

"You must be shocked, right?"

I'm sure I'm more shocked with this position than you asking me to have a talk with you.

"W-What is it that you want to talk about?" You stuttered, leaning back on his shoulder.

Hey, I'm just trying to be comfortable, okay?

You felt Kai chuckle lightly but made his hand wrap around your shoulder instead, attempting to make you more comfortable. You were hesitant as you moved your head on his neck, closing your eyes as you did.

"Are you comfortable with this?"

It feels like a deja vu.

You nodded, sighing in contentment.

"Just say what you want to say before I fall asleep here." You mumbled.

"Okay then. Let me start."

You mentally braced yourself for whatever he has to say. You suddenly felt nervous. You didn't know what's the issue between the two of you. You have no clue what will be the topic for this talk.

But as Kai's warm hand caressed your arm slightly, you felt a little calm.

"I met your father."

Your eyes opened immediately opened at the mention of your father. Kai really dropped a bomb in a second.

"Okay, calm down. Please hear me out before you freak out." Kai calmed you down, nuzzling his chin on the top of your head.

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