❀ Chapter 5: Running with the Devil ❀

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You blinked numerous times as you stared off at your half-eaten meal. You were taken out of your deep thoughts when Joohyuk called you for the 15th time.

"Wh-what is it?"

"You're seriously just asking what is it?!" Joohyuk said as he slumped himself on the chair he's sitting on like he's so exhausted. Tiffany giggled.

"You look like one of the girls in dramas, so in love~" Tiffany cooed at you. Your eyes widened as your cheeks flared.

"In-in love? Who? Ah this unnie really." You muttered as you drank your lemonade to calm yourself.

"Were you that affected by the duo's dance?" Joohyuk asked as he sip on his coke. Tiffany excitedly put her hands under her chin and looked at you expectantly. You looked away.

"Well—it's just—"


You gulped as you recognized the voice. Your eyes widened slowly, realization sinking into your brain.

"My brother works here. I don't really know if he earns to what he does but I think he's performing tonight." Tiffany said as she dropped her chin on her arms that are resting on the table.

"Omo. He's unnie's dongsaeng?!" You thought as you bit your lip.

Tiffany's ears perked up and quickly turned around to see her brother.

"Dongsaeng!" She cooed as she stood up and pinched her brother's cheeks.

"Aissh. Why are you here, noona? Did you even tell Appa you're going in a place like this? He'll be mad."

"Don't worry about that, Pinku. I really didn't know this is the place you're performing at! But now I know~ You looked so cool up there! You're a man now, huh? Nah, you're still my baby brother~" Tiffany continued talking like she always does. You chuckled and Joohyuk waved. You were confused at first but when you heard footsteps getting closer, you felt like your heart would just jump out and leave you here.

"Oh. Won't you let me sit, noona? I feel so tired. And will you stop calling me that in a public place? It's embarrassing."

You looked at the side while thinking of ways how to get out of this situation.

"Wait. Why am I hiding anyway? Did I do something bad? I didn't. Aigoo. I can't understand you, Lin. You're going crazy." You thought as you shook your head as if the thoughts will magically vanish.

"Hehe. Sorry, Pinku. Sit with us then." Tiffany said as she sat back down on her chair and pulled another one beside her, which is beside yours too.

"Meet my friends. This is Joohyuk, he works at the café too and he's the one who invited us here. He can be a little clumsy for a big guy but you can count on him." Tiffany introduced. You were staring at the bar like it would be gone in a second. You can't helped but to fiddle your fingers together.

"Yah. What are you getting nervous for? You've met him! Why are you like this, huh? Ah jinjja!" You thought, mentally cursing your stupid self.

"And of course, my sister at the café, Lin! She's really like a little sister to me! But I think she's more mature than your noona. She's so cute yet tough!"

Your head snapped up as you heard your name and instantly, your eyes met with his eyes.

"I was right then. He's the one behind the curtain earlier." You thought.

His eyes turning into crescent moons as he finally saw your face again. You looked like you're a hamster caught in the act of eating its food.

"Nice meeting you again, Lin."

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