❀ Chapter 14: I Missed You ❀

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You almost hit the person who surprisingly sat beside you on a bench near DanWiMu, making him laugh.

You sighed as you recognized him.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, looking back up in the dark sky. Observing how stars shine together was one of your hobbies with your younger brother.

But now you're alone.

"I should be asking you that too." He wittily said, shrugging his shoulders. When you didn't say a witty comeback, he looked at you. "Well, I noticed you weren't on your table, so I asked noona where did you go and here I am."

You laughed, but he knew it doesn't have any humor, like you forced it out.

"That's- That's sweet, Sehun. Thanks." You mumbled, closing your eyes before leaning your head on his broad shoulder. Sehun just sat there, motionless as he let your head rest on his shoulder.

Silence took over the place even though the loud music can be heard outside, it was blurred out by the walls. Few cars passed and few people walked in front of you. The light beside you two flickered but was unnoticed by the two of you as Sehun closed his eyes too, leaning his head on top of yours.

You felt better now.

Sehun doesn't only bring warmth and comfort. You also feel his care and understanding.

You like that about him.

You know he knew there was something wrong but still stayed silent. He knows how you hate others prying on your problem even if they have good intentions.

You've always wanted to keep it to yourself.

"Do you want me to beat Kai up for you?" Sehun whispered, putting his arm around your shoulder. You chuckled, appreciating his kindness and warmth.

"I don't think it would solve anything. And I don't really like him that much. I think I was just attracted or something." You muttered, mentally face-palmed yourself because you sounded like you were only convincing yourself.

"Okay, hamstie."

Sehun wasn't convinced and you knew that. You were thankful that he didn't ask more questions that would make you lie to yourself again.

As time passed by, you got worried that Sehun was missing out a lot of things inside DanWiMu.

"Are you sure you can stay here?" You asked him for the nth time. Sehun just nodded, frowning at your nth time questioning him.

"If you want me to go, sorry not sorry but I won't." He said, tightening his grasp on your shoulder. You smiled.

"Thank you."

Sehun looked down at you, meeting your eyes.

"You're always welcome, Lin."

He didn't know how can his heart melt at the same time break in your stare.

The next day, Sunday, Aunt Sunny frowned as she glanced at the clock.

She went to the living room where 3 boys were sitting and watching tv.

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