TF RID 2015 Sideswipe x Autobot!Female!reader

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This was requested by Mink_The_Shifter
Hope you enjoy it!!

"Y/N! Please get up!" Your sister, Strongarm begged you. "I don't wanna." You replied. ~Just do it~ she said through the sibling bond. ~Sideswipe's going to be there~ she said. You jolted up, and blushed. You looked over at her and saw her giving you a teasing look. "your a glitch, you know that." You said. She smiled," Thanks, so are you." s ahdhe replied. You rolled your optics at her, and stuck out your glossa. She also stuck out your glossa. "I'll go only because, I can't fall back asleep." You replied. "Sure it is." She said. You growled at her. She smirked at you, and then walked away. She's right though, that was not the real reason. The real reason was because you had a crush on Sideswipe, for a while now. I just wish that he likes me too.

You and Sideswipe were walking through the forest looking for any kind of sign of Decepticons, that might be roaming around. You were secretly snatching small looks at Sideswipe. And so was Sideswipe. Had a major crush on you. Grimlock saw him looking at you the other day, and told him some tips, which surprised him, because he never thought that the Dinobot would know about femme's and relationships. He sighed, but you probably didn't even like him. you stopped suddenly, you heard very low growling. You looked over at the trees where the noise was coming from. All of a sudden, something huge jumped out and jumped on you. You shrieked out in surprise as the figure started to scratch you, and tear into your armor, all of a sudden the figure was pulled off of you by Sideswipe. you looked up at your attacker and saw Steeljaw. Steeljaw growled and looked at you, he snarled at you and said," I will get my revenge on you Autobots!" He then turned away and ran. You looked up at Sideswipe, he looked down at you and gasped. "Your armor, theres energon all over your chassis." He said. You looked down at yourself. Wow, I do look bad. You felt and arm loop under your arm, and helped you up. To bad he wasn't strong enough with on arm to pick you up. You both fell down. You looked up and blushed a how you two fell. Sideswipe on top of you, while you were underneath him. You heard him chuckle nervously. "Sorry Y/N I didn't mean to.." He was cut off of his sentence by you kissing him, you ended the kiss, and blushed. What you did not expect to happen was for Sideswipe to kiss you back. You both parted. "I love you too." He said while smiling. You giggled and brought him into another kiss.

Well, that sure was different.
I hope you enjoyed it!

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