I Do Love you ((G1 Optimus Prime X Femme!Reader X Soundwave)) Pt. 1 Redone*

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Authors Note: Hey guys! I want to apologize for not updating earlier but I've been REALLY busy with school and have been stressed out from all of the projects I've been having to do. So here's a one-shot I cam up with! I also decided to just continue it and make some adjustments so it would be better since I was half asleep when I made this.

Not a request!

Picture: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/32/4d/84/324d84a6ad5bd52113fcf85f881322f9.jpg (picture is not mine)



(Y/c/n)- Your Cybertronian name


You stood at the monitors of Teletran 1, but you were not focused on the work at hand instead your optics stayed glued on the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. A frown had dominated your dermas, the Prime was once someone special to you but that was vorns ago. Now he had moved on. Your optics narrowed as you remembered when he chose the femme, Elita-1 over you. It broke your spark in half when he chose her.


Optimus, you, and Elita-1 stood by the Ark, Elita begging him not to leave. You watched the two, your optics glaring daggers at the femme.

"Elita. Do not worry about me. For I will return for you." His battle mask slid aside and his dermas captured hers in a kiss as his servo went up to her cheek to bring her in to the kiss.

Your optics widened and you felt your spark break at the sight. Your vision became blurry with tears.

You turned from the two, not seeing the nasty triumphant look the femme had given you as you ran into the ship.

You heard Jazz ask you something but you tuned him out and made your way to the counsel you controlled. You wiped the tears away with the back of your servo and sat there silently for the rest of the time on the ship.

~~Back to the present~~

You watched Optimus turn around and his optics locked with yours. You glared at him before turning away and going back to working on Teletran-1.

"Still giving the Prime a hard time?" You growled lowly at the familiar voice of Sideswipe.

""No. Now leave me alone and let me do my work." You turned away from the red mech and closed the panel you had been fixing and strode out of base.

"Oh c'mon Y/c/n! I know how much you want him." He teased while punching your shoulder. You growled and turned towards him giving him a nasty look.

"I said. Leave. Me. ALONE!" You snarled. 

Sideswipe froze and seemed to stare at you.



"Behind you. Don't look now, first you need to run." He whispered while stepping close to you as his servo reached out to grab your arm.

You growled while stepping back from him. "Just leave me alone Sides. I'm not in the-" You stepped back and your back ran into something metal and tall. "Mood." You finished the sentence while looking up to see a red visor staring down at you.



To be continued....

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