Catformers Soundwave X Human Reader

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Requested by cavosaavio


You awoke to something furry laying on your chest. A sigh escaped your lips as your tired eyes gazed down at your cat, Soundwave.

He was wide awake, his violet eyes gazing into your (eye color) eyes. His black and purple coat blending in with your dark room, it was difficult to see him. The only way that you could tell that it was him because of his bright purple eyes.

"Morning Sounders." You muttered tiredly, lifting a hand up to your cat and petting his back, causing him to purr and arch is back into your hand.

You cracked a small smile at your purring feline. "Where's Mega- OOF!" You gasped as something large jumped up onto your bed and it landing on your stomach.

When it landed on you, Soundwave scurried off of you and moved to the other side of the bed while your large grey husky wolf mix laid on top of you. Its big rec eyes staring into yours.

"M-Megatron, get o-off! Your t-too heavy!" You stuttered as you tried to gain your breath back.

He nuzzled your neck, whimpering an apology. You giggled and scratched behind his ear causing him to wag his tail.

"C'mon get off me. Or I won't be able to feed you too." You chuckled when the large husky mix jumped off you and ran out into the kitchen, Soundwave trailing behind him.

You sat up in your bed and yawned while stretching before you stood up and stumbled out of your bedroom heading to the kitchen.

You grabbed two cups, each one containing your dogs and cats food in them. Pouring the food into there bowls, you smiled when the two immediately started to chow down.

You grabbed one of your bowls and filled it with your favorite cereal, then after you poured milk into it you grabbed a spoon out of one of your drawers. You dipped it in the bowl then took a bit, smiling at the sweet taste of the cereal.

Soundwave finished eating first, and he trotted over to you his tail held high as he approached you. He meowed and rubbed up against your legs, purring happily up at you.

A smile mad its way to your lips as you ate. You didn't have to go to work today since it was the weekend, so you decided to binge watch your favorite show for most of the day, Transformers Prime!

You absolutely loved that show! That is how you named your dog and cat Soundwave and Megatron. They both were your favorite characters out of all of the Transformers. Hopefully today Megatron and Soundwave wouldn't cause too much trouble since you would be home today.

Putting your bowl in the sink, you walked out to your living room and sat down in your recliner. Turning on Netflix you searched for Transformers Prime until you found it. Clicking the epdiode your were supposed to watch, you sat back reclining back with a sigh of happiness as the intro began.

Soundwave jumped up onto your lap and laid down on your abdomen while Megatron laid in his dog bed.  You smiled again as Soundwave snuggled close to you, his tail draping over his nose as he closed his eyes falling asleep.

"I can't believe you too are so tired after getting me up so early in the morning." You muttered before turning your attention to the TV. 

Today was going to be good day, just you and your two lazy boys.


Hope that you guys liked this one-shot!

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