TFP Ratchet X Injured Human Reader {Request}

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Requested by LizzieFlynn200


The dark streets of Jasper were empty of any people or car. The only sign of life was a mouse that quickly scurried out of its hole as it searched for food. Suddenly the quiet streets echoed with a loud cry of pain.

In a alleyway stood two men, they had evil smirks of there faces as they watched you struggle against the tallest man who held you down while the other cut your soft flesh. Crimson red blood pooled out from the many cuts that littered your arms, legs, waist, and face.

Tears blurred your vision, keeping you from seeing your attackers. Another cry of pain escaped your mouth as the shorter male cut you again.

"W-Why are you d-doing this?" You asked stuttering a bit as you struggled to stay awake, the pain was unbearable. It felt like fire was lit inside of you and danced around in the inside of you.

The taller one chuckled and he leaned in closer to you, his mouth dangerously close to your ear. You could hear him breath and as he took a breath in before speaking.

"Why? Well your father owes us but since he has refused to pay us we need to take something dear from him first." He pulled away from ear and smirked evilly at you.

You whimpered and struggled once again as more pain coursed through your body. "P-please stop." You uttered as you saw there bodies become darker as you slowly closed your eyes.

"Say goodbye." The shorter man cackled as he raised the blade up over his head, ready to end your life. You watched as the blade came down and closed your eyes waiting for your end but it never came. Instead you heard the sirens of an ambulance and heard the two men curse before they ran. 

As there footfalls faded you heard a new pair and cracked one of your eyes open to see a man with orange and white hair that was braided into a ponytail and was handing on his shoulder. His eyes were a bright blue that looked like they almost glowed but you knew that was probably just your imagination since you were almost dead.

The man crouched beside you and held your wrist and put two of his fingers on your pulse. You watched as he felt for your pulse. When he finally found it you saw his face turn from fear to relief as he was reassured that you were alive.

He looked at your face and watched as your eyes slowly closed as you let darkness consume you.


You slowly awoke to the sound of the steady beating of a heart monitor, you turned your head to the left and saw its green line rising up and down steadily matching the beats of your heart.

Groggily, you turned your head to the left and almost jumped out of your skin upon seeing the same man from last night. He sat in a hospital chair, his elbow rested on the arm rest while his hand kept his head propped up while he slept. His chest rising and falling slowly while soft snores came from him.

You couldn't help but smile at this. It was actually kind of cute.

'Wait... Did I just say that he was cute?' You questioned yourself while you looked down at your arms as you thought. Your arms were covered with bandages and so was your waist.

"They sure did a number on you." You jumped and yelped in surprise as a voice scared you from your thoughts. You whipped your head to the left and was surprised to see him awake.

He chuckled when he saw your startled expression and smiled at you. "Sorry for scaring you."

"I-its okay." You uttered while turning your gaze away from him as your cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"Good. The name's Ratchet by the way. So why did those two attack you?" He questioned and your body froze as tears formed in the corners of your eyes. He saw this and instantly felt guilty for bringing it up.

"Sorry. I'll take my leave."

"Please don't."

He froze at the sound of your voice and looked at you. You wiped the tears from your eyes with the back of your hand and looked at him. "Please don't go. I-I'm afraid that they will come back for me."

He stared at you for a second, not used to being asked to stay with anyone. Usually his team wanted him to leave them be.

He nodded and sat back down and leaned on your bed. "Don't worry I won't leave." He smiled at you and you smiled weakly back at him.

"Thank you, Ratchet."

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