Where Are We

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Kaya's P.O.V

I woke up to see I was in some white room. I looked around, making me get up. I saw I was in some white clothes, making me confused. I sat up from my bed and stood on the floor. My feet touched the cold ground, making me flinch a little. I still stood up and walked over to the little window. I saw someone walk over making me back up. They opened the door and I balled my hands into fists.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Kaya Kane. We are glad to see you awake," They said.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"We do not mean to harm you. In fact, we are here to help," They told me.

"Bullshit," I said.

"We promise safety. Now, you look hungry. Why don't we get you some food and new clothes," They said.

"Who are you first?" I asked.

"My name is Dante Wallace. Please to meet you," He said.

"Where's Clarke and my friends?" I asked.

"Clarke is fine. Now, why don't you change first?" Some people brought in a box making me confused.

"Please meet me in the hall when you're done," They said.

I looked through the clothes before changing into some jeans, a black tank top, and a red cardigan. I put on the tennis shoes they had before walking over outside.

"You will join your friends soon," Dante said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked him.

"We're all friends here. Now, do you want to see your friends now?" He ask. I nodded at him in response. 

"Then, we will escort you to them," He told me. I stared at him for a moment. 

"Okay," I said.

"Welcome to Mount Weather," He told me. One of the guards made me follow them and we went inside an elevator. We went up to level five before going to a room with almost everyone in it.

"Kaya," Jasper ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey," I said.

"Kaya," Monty smiled.

"Monty. You're alive," I said, hugging him after Jasper.

"Yeah and so are you."

"Welcome to Mount Weather, Kaya. Now, your packet contains everything you need to know about Mount Weather. Which, I promise, is not as confusing as the map on page one makes it out to look. You came from level three, which houses our medical facility, including quarantine-"

"Clarke," I heard Monty say. He ran over, making me look over. I saw her walked over with a small smile in her face. The smile that read she was happy to see us alive. I ran over and hugged her.

"Hi," Clarke said. 

"Thank god you're alive," I tell her. 

"You too," Clarke said. 

"Did by any chance, did you see Bellamy?" I asked. 

"I was going to ask about the same thing with Finn," Clarke told me. I stared at her a little before turning to the rest. 

"Did any of you see Bellamy or Finn?" I asked them.

"Clarke, Kaya, they, uh... They didn't make it," Jasper told us. I felt my heart break making me hold onto Clarke.

"We don't know that," Clarke said. Jasper nodded in agreement. 

"What about Raven?" I asked. No one answered. Instead they gave us a sad look. Our guide walked over to us. 

"Welcome, Clarke. If you have any questions, I'm Keenan," Our guide said before giving Clarke a manuscript that showed the whole place. I looked at Clarke who looked back at me. 

"We're finally where you wanted us to be when we landed here," I tell her. 

"And now, it just seems so different," She tells me. 

"It does," I tell her. 

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