Finding Monty and Harper

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Kaya's P.O.V

"Monty's been missing for two days, Harper longer than that," Jasper said. Jasper, Maya, and I sat in the dining hall as we talked lowly to each other.

"We'll keep looking. We'll find them," Maya told him.

"We both know where they are," Jasper told her. 

"I checked the harvest chamber last night."

 "So check it again. They took my best friend," Jasper said. I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"All right. I'll check again. You have to look like there's nothing wrong like everything is okay," Maya told us. I nodded and looked around/ 


"Don't do anything stupid," Maya said.

"Look who you're talking to here. We do something stupid at least once a day," I told her. 

"It's okay. Everything is okay. Everything is..." Jasper whispered. Maya opened the door, "not okay," Jasper said once the door closed.

"Time to do something stupid," Jasper said. 

"Great," I said following him.

Jasper and I walked to Wallace's office to speak to him. We went to the front door and stopped.

"President Wallace, may we have a word?" I asked him.

"What's on your mind?" He asked me as we walked inside.

"Our friends," Jasper said.

"What about them?" Wallace asked us.

"Two have been missing for two days. Their names are Monty and Harper. Where are they?" I asked him.

"Jasper. Kaya. I don't know what you're-"

"Cut the lies, Wallace. I know you know where they are," I snapped at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You lied about there not being any survivors from the Ark. You lied about Maya's accident. Let's also add up the lies you made about Clarke," I said, crossing my arms.

"Please sit down, and we'll-"

"No! No more lies. I want the truth," I told him. I grabbed the sword next to me and gripped it tightly. I aimed it at Wallace's neck as I glared at him.

"Kaya, please put the sword down." 

"Why? So I can be next? Please let me be next so I can escape as well and get my revenge when I get back up," I told him.

"I told you, I don't know what happened to your friends," President Wallace told me.

"Do we look desperate to you? Because we're feeling pretty desperate," Jasper asked him. 

"You're right. I did lie to you about Clarke, about the survivors from the Ark, and about what happened to Maya. I'm trying to protect you, Jasper and Kaya, all of you," Wallace told us.

"Bullshit," I said.

"Where are they? Where the hell is Monty?" Jasper asked Wallace. He grabbed Wallace grabbed the sword from me and aimed it at me this time. I glared at him as he looked at me.

"This is not a toy," He told me.

Wallace lowered the sword. I felt Jasper pull me towards him. Wallace walked over to his desk and pressed a button. A guard came over and look over at him.

"Yes, sir?" The guard asked. 

"Could you please find out where Dr. Tsing and my son are at the moment?" Wallace asked him.

"Anything else, sir?" The guard asked him. 

"Not presently."

Wallace put the sword back and turned to us. 

"Let's take a walk," President Wallace said. 

"Where?" Jasper asked. 

"To find your friends," Wallace told us before walking off. I looked up at Jasper before we followed him.


We walked to an experiment room where I saw Harper on a bed like gurney. I saw Monty in a cage making me gasp.

"You monsters!" I yelled.

"Put that down. Get away from that girl," Wallace said.



"Release him," Wallace said.

I ran over to Harper and looked down at her. I smiled in happiness, knowing that she was still alive. 

"You're okay. You're okay," I told her.

"The ground is our birthright. You can't keep us from that," Dr. Tsing said.

"Watch me. Lock her up," Wallace said. 

"But firstly," I said before walking over to her. I slapped her in the face before going back to Harper. 

"Yes, sir."

"Go back to the dorm and tell your friends to pack their things. You're going home," Wallace said. 

"Thank you," Jasper said. 

"Take me to my son."

"Yes, sir."

I helped Harper out of the room and back to our dorm. 

"One step closer to Bellamy," I told myself.

"We're almost there," Jasper told me. I nodded as we walked back to the dorm.

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