Battling in the Mess Hall

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Kaya's P.O.V

"Jasper, where do you want this?" I walked passed to get things ready. We were blocking off areas in the level.

"Put it here. Over the weak spots to make sure they don't get in. We took the level but now we need to hold it. They will be coming and we need to be ready. Harper get some glasses from the kitchen fill them with water, big as you can find," Jasper said as I walked up next to him.

"Watch out," Fox said as she smashed a hallway camera.

"Good, Fox, let's go get those hallway cameras next," Jasper said.

"Nope, leave the hallway cameras. We need eyes out there," Monty said.

"You can do that?" I asked him.

"Have you met me?" Monty questioned.

"Where are we on the doors?" I asked.

"Meters are all disabled and short of the other stairway locks. This one's tricky, though," Monty told me. Jasper smashed the box, causing it to break.

"That works too," Monty said.

"How long you think we can hold them off?" I asked.

"As long as we have to," Monty said.


There was a loud explosion making us get ready. I got my gun ready and looked around.

"We're not ready for this!" Fox told Jasper.

"Yes we are. Just follow the plan we'll be ok. I promise," Jasper said.


"You were right. That's because they can't kill us," Monty said showing the security camera.

"Be careful with that thing, we're in close. It could hit one of us," Miller said to Harper.

"Wait a second, some of them aren't wearing hazmat suits," Monty said.

"What's that mean?" Miller asked.

"It means they're cured. The marrow treatments worked," I told him.

"Get this down!" I heard.

"Get ready!" I said.

Once they got the door opened, they threw in a red smoke light that knocked us out last time. We quickly put it into the water. I nodded as we all pretended to be knocked out from it.

"NOW!" I shouted as I rolled onto my back. I shot some guards before getting up.

We all started to fight the guards. I shot at multiple people before hitting them with the end of the gun. I grabbed my knife I hidden before stabbing one in the neck.

"Retreat! Retreat!" I heard. They all started to leave making me smile in victory.

"We did it! Seal the barricade!" Jasper said. I heard a scream as I saw Fox being taken away.

"Jasper! You promised!" I heard her say.

"Fox! No! No!" Jasper yelled. Miller held him back.

"She'll be ok," Miller assured Jasper.

"I promised her," Jasper said. I saw a guard crawling away but Jasper killed him off with his ax.


We cleaned up the mess and took some of the guard's weapons. After we cleaned up and fixed everything, we got the rest of the stuff ready for the next raid.

"They're gonna come in a lot harder next time you. You know that right?" Miller told us.

"We will hold the flood until we find a way out," Jasper said.

"We're gonna need more than a bucket of water and four guns to do that," Miller said.

"We can do this," I told Miller.

"This is President Wallace talking to the kids who just killed ten of my men," I heard from the radio.

"Jasper," Monty said handing him the screen.

"I thought we'd try something a little different this time. There's only twenty minutes of oxygen in Maya's suit. I know she's a friend of yours. In twenty minutes you friend will either suffocate or burn. But you can save her, all you have to do is surrender," Wallace told us. I looked at Jasper who looked back at me.

"Jasper," I said.

"I'll go and get her. You guys stay here," He said. I nodded as he walked off. When he came back with Maya, we sat her down.

"You're okay," Jasper told her,

"Listen to me, Fox is ok. Bellamy saved her. He's gonna get some guns in here through the trash chute," Maya said.

"If we can get guns in, we can get you out," Jasper told her.

"No, we can't. I dismantled the chute. I'm sorry, I didn't think we'd be trying to open it ourselves. I can fix it," Monty told them.

"Thank you. Kaya, you go as well," Jasper said. I nodded as I grabbed a gun. I looked at Monty as we ran off.

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