Radio Hacking

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Kaya's P.O.V

I sat with everyone as we were looking through the maps.

"Whatever happened the Harper, someone must have seen something," Jasper said. 

"Where could she be, this place is a sealed bunker?" Miller asked. 

"There have to be rooms we don't know about that aren't mapped," Jasper said.

"He has a point. This place if full of secrets," I said. 

"Well is it possible?" Miller asked. 

"I doubt it but maybe,"  Maya said. 

"Thanks, you are a big help," Miller said. I nudged him making him look at me.

"Easy. Maya's on our side," Jasper said.

"Are you sure about that?" Miller asked.

"Yes I'm sure. She's risked more than any of us," Jasper said. 

"Really? Is she gonna end up the kennel too if she gets caught?" Miller asked.

"Both of you shut up. Honestly. Miller, Maya has done a lot or us, but I'm still a bit sketched. Let them just play Romeo and Juliet until we have everything sorted out," I said.

"I found something. That leads to an antenna on the ground. If we can access the radio we can send a message over the Ark wide channel. Tell them we're here," Monty said. 

"The only radio is in the command center on level seven. Highly restricted," Maya said

"We got in before," I said. 

"Only because it scheduled for decontamination. That won't work again so soon," Maya told us.

"We don't need the radio, we need the wires that run into it here," Monty said. 

"Art warehouse. That I can get us into," Maya said. 

"Great and all we have to do is break through a two-foot section of wall find the outgoing wire and jack it to the closed system. Without being heard by anyone in the command center or on the field," Monty told us. 

"That's all, huh?" Miller asked. 

"No. We'll also have to get some copper wire, the guard schedules and a walkie talkie oh yeah and a big ass hammer," Monty said.

"Maya and I could get those," I told them.

"We can. Maybe," Maya said.

"No. No maybes. We can't loose anymore time," I told them.


Maya and I got the things Monty needed quickly. We walked inside the art warehouse as we looked for the communication wall.

"Right here. The communication lines are behind this wall," Monty said. We cleared out the things before I got out the hammer.

"Big ass enough for you?" I asked Monty. He nodded at me as I got ready to break down the wall.

"Wait they'll hear you!" Maya told us.

"This was the plan. I knew it, she's afraid of losing her blood supply," Miller said.

"Look you can hate me all you want Miller and you can blame me for what my people are doing but I'm trying to make things right," Maya told him. 

"Then get the hell out of our way," Miller said.

"Five seconds," Maya warned. 

"What happens in five seconds?" Monty asked.

"Miller realizes what a dick he is?" Jasper said. 

"Will you both shut up!" I said. After I yelled at the two, an alarm went off.

"Now you owe me a favor," Maya said. I looked at them before hitting the wall. As soon as I made a hole, I saw the wires. I stopped and looked at Monty. He aimed the flashlight at it. 

"Jackpot," Monty said. 


"Just have to get a loop over the ark wide channel and get it to transmit somebody's bound to hear it," Monty said. As he plugged in the devices, there was a strange beeping noise. 

"Well that don't sound good," Miller said.

"I've heard this. From the black box of the Exodus ship before it crashed. They crashed the Exodus ship," Monty said.

"Damn, thanks a lot," I said sarcastically.

"What are they jamming now?" Jasper asked. 

"Everything. Probably to keep our people from talking to each other," Monty told us.

"Well are we totally screwed?" Jasper asked.

"I wouldn't say totally," Monty said.

"Monty, I have full faith in you. If you could get the message out, we owe you our lives," I told him.

"I'm trying."

As Monty connected the wires and did his thing, we stood there on watch. 

"Damn it!" Monty said.

"So now we're totally screwed?" Jasper asked. 

"Our message is broadcasting but it's over a jammed frequency," Monty said. 

"So unjam it!" Miller said. 

"What do you think I've been trying to do? The only way to shut to down is from the source. I need 5 minutes in the command center," Monty said. 

"No way you heard Maya it's too dangerous," Jasper said.

"We need to try something," I said. 

"The guard is coming we have to go! Cover the hole!" Maya said.

We covered the hole and put things back into place before we ran off. Miller and I got back to the room where I leaned against the bunk bed. I saw Jasper and Maya come back, making Miller turn up the music.

"Did you guys find the radio?" I asked.

"No, where's Monty?" Jasper asked us.

"We thought he was with you," I said.

"I haven't seen him," Maya said. Miller and I looked at each other before letting out a sigh. 

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