Goodbye Clarke

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Kaya's P.O.V

I walked with Bellamy and Clarke to Camp Jaha. I looked around at everyone who was alive. I looked back at Clarke who hugged Monty. Bellamy and I walked over to her.

"I think we deserve a drink," Bellamy told her. 

"Have one for me," Clarke told us. 

"Hey. We'll get through this," I told her. 

"I'm not going in," She told Bellamy and I.

"Look. If you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. We'll forgive you. You're forgiven. Please come inside," Bellamy said to her. 

"Take care of them for me," Clarke said. 


"No. Seeing their faces every day is just gonna remind me of what I did to get them here," Clarke interrupted me. 

"What we did. You don't have to do this alone," Bellamy said. Clarke looked at the camp. 

"I bear it so they don't have to," Clarke told us. 

"Where you gonna go?" I asked. 

"I don't know," She said. She hugged Bellamy first before hugging me. I hugged her back tightly, not wanting to let her go. 

"May we meet again," She told me. She pulled away from the hug before walking towards the woods. 

"May we meet again," I said. I looked up at Bellamy who reached a hand out for me. I nodded before holding his hand. We walked back inside the camp together without looking back.

"Do you think we'll see her again?" I asked him.


"Good. Cause I believe so too," I told him.


Author's Note: This isn't the last chapter by the way. We got one more left to go!

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