A Missing Clarke

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Kaya's P.O.V

I went around looking for Clarke but couldn't find her. I went to Monty since he was alone. 

"Have you seen Clarke?" I asked.

"No. I thought you'd be with her," Monty told me.

"I don't know where she could be," I tell him.

"Let's go ask Jasper," Monty said. I nodded before we started to look around. We found him with Maya, making us walk over to them.

"Jasper. Have you seen Clarke? Nobody has," Monty said.

"Hi," He then said after looking at Maya.

"Hey. You guys should uh-"

"No no, we're gonna have breakfast. I'll meet you in line," Jasper told Maya. She gave us a smile and a wave before leaving the three of us.

"I have a bad feeling," I tell Jasper.

"Look I'd love to talk to you about Clarke any time in my entire life except right now," Jasper said.

"Hey what is she's in trouble?" Monty asked.

"Trouble? She's Clarke, whatever she's up to I'm sure she can handle it," Jasper told us before leaving. 

"You know, I like him better when he wasn't so love struck," I tell Monty.

"He is right. Clarke can handle whatever," Monty said. 

"But she's still my best friend. She's not invincible," I tell him.

"Let's just go eat," Monty told me. 

We went to the mess hall together. We got our food before sitting next to each other at a table. 

"Do you miss him?" Monty asked me.

"Bellamy?" I asked. Monty nodded at me.

"Yeah. I miss him a lot," I tell him. Jasper came over to us making us looked up at him.

"Hey. Nice to see you too," Jasper said.

"Sorry, we were hoping you were Clarke," Monty said.

"He's not wrong," I tell Jasper.

"Have you seen her?" Jasper asked.

"No, I don't think she slept in her bed last night," Monty said. Jasper sat in front of us.

"What do we do?" Monty asked. I looked around, until my eyes land on Maya. I looked back at the boys.

"Doesn't Maya have access everywhere? Maybe she can help look around. If Clarke's in trouble, she can find out," I tell him.

"I don't know but Clarke doesn't trust them. What if she's right?" Monty asked.

"We can trust Maya, you still think we can't? Besides what choice do we have," Jasper said. 

"Go ask your little girlfriend if she can help or not," I tell him.

Jasper walked over to her. After we ate, Monty and I sat in one of the fancy chairs. I leaned against him as Jasper came back over to us.

"She's going to find out," Jasper said.

"I need to get out of here," I said. 


"Because I need to go find Bellamy," I tell him.

"Bellamy? Kaya, are you even sure he's-"

"Don't finish that sentence. He's alive. I know it," I tell him.

A little while later, Maya came back over to us. We looked up at her for the news.

"You find out something?" I asked her.

"What is it?" Jasper asked her.

"Apparently Clarke had some sort of breakdown, just snapped. Started pulling out her stitches trying to hurt herself," Maya told us.

"I highly doubt it was a breakdown," I said.

"Where is she now?" Monty asked her.

"Psych ward being monitored. Talked to a friend who works there think it might be a couple days before anyone is allowed to see her," Maya told us.

"What if we want to see her now?" I asked.

"Can't. Unless you have access there or is working with her injury," Maya said.

"We'll see about that," Monty said before getting up to leave. I followed him as we walked over to the infirmary. 

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