War on Mount Weather Part 3

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Kaya's P.O.V

"No," I heard Bellamy say. I looked over to see Octavia killing some people.

"They got to get out of there," Bellamy said.

I heard a bang from the door making me turn around. I looked over at the door before looking at Clarke and Bellamy.

"He's here," Clarke said, referring to Emerson.

"Jasper. They caught him," Monty said.

"Why are you stopping?" Clarke asked Monty as he stopped typing.

"Because I did it. All we have to do... is pull this. Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air," Monty told her. I looked up at the monitor to see that Emerson was about to blow up the door. I nudged Bellamy as he looked over.

"He's gonna blow the door," Bellamy said getting his gun out.

"Clarke, we're out of time," Monty told her.

"My sister. My responsibility," Bellamy said as he looked over at the monitor.

"I have to save them," Clarke said as her hand was on the lever. I walked up to her and put my hand over her's. She looked at me. I gave her a nod. Bellamy put his hand over mine. My gaze never left Clarke's.

"Together," Bellamy said. Clarke nodded at us before we lowered the lever.

I held onto Clarke as she held onto me as well. We watched Cage run off. Jasper ran off as well. I watched as every Mount Weather citizen blister and fall onto the ground. I leaned my head onto Clarke's shoulder as I silently cried.

"Let's go get our people," Clarke said.

We all walked out to go help Octavia. We passed by the mess hall making me cry a little more. I turned to Bellamy who held me.

"Come on," He said. We walked over until we saw Jasper on the floor with Maya. I stared in sadness as she lied limp in his arms.

"What did you do?" Jasper asked.

"We had no choice," Clarke said.

"I was gonna kill Cage. If you'd just given me one more minute, it would've been over," Jasper said.

"Jasper, they never would've stopped," Bellamy said.

"We have to go to the dorm," Clarke said. Clarke, Bellamy, and I left to go get the rest. I saw everyone getting free and reuniting.

"Mom," Clarke said. I looked over to see Abby up. I looked at my dad who stared back at me.

"Kaya," He said.

"Dad," I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I thought I lost you," He said.

"So did I," I said, crying again.

"I missed you so much," He told me.

"I missed you too," I said.

I pulled away and looked up at him. I smiled a bit as he wiped my tears away. We went over to Bellamy. I hugged Bellamy tightly.

"You did good," Dad told him. I smiled a bit before looking up at Bellamy.

"Let's get these people home," Dad told us. We nodded and walked over.

"It's all over now. Right?" I asked Bellamy.

"For now," He said. I smiled as he kissed my head.

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