Radiation Affects

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Kaya's P.O.V

We went over to the medical area and there was a guard there. 

"No visting today," He told us. 

"I don't care. My best friend is in there," I said before trying to walk in. The person pushed me back a little. 

"This is bullshit," I said. 

"Leave now or I will have to use force," The guard said. 

"Let me through!" I yelled before trying to pry the door open. 

"Kaya!" Monty yelled. 

"Get off kid!" 

I curled my hand into a fist until I felt a hand on my wrist. I looked over to see Monty holding me. 

"Kaya, let's go," Monty said. I gave him a look but he gave me one as well. 

"Let's go," Monty repeated. He dragged me away from the door before we went somewhere. 

"What?" I asked him.

"They're not going to let us see her if we attack them," Monty said. 


The next day, I checked in again. Nothing. The next day, Jasper came with me. We kept coming to ask for Clarke until Wallance wanted to talk to Jasper and I. We walked inside his office where he looked up at us.

"Thank you for coming. I've been told you visit medical 3 or 4 times a day asking about Clarke," He told us.

"Yeah. No one will let us see her," I tell him.

"That's because she's no longer here. Clarke ran away. I tried to convince her that she was safe here, but she couldn't stop looking for enemies when she was among friends," Dante said. 

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be disrespectful but... Clarke wouldn't just abandon us," Jasper said. 

"Jasper's right. We're her friends and I know her," I tell him.

"I wish it wasn't the case," Dante said.

"Why? Are you looking for her?" Jasper asked.

"I can't risk the lives of my people to bring back someone who doesn't want to be here. I hope you can understand that," Dante said. 

"Then let me look for her," I said. 


"I know Clarke. I know my way around the woods and I'm handy with a gun or bow. I know I can do this. If you let me make some supplies, will you let me go out?"I asked.

"Of course. You both are much alike. You and Clarke."


"Can she come back if she doesn't find Clarke?" Jasper asked.

"Yes. Unlike Clarke, she's a little less, stubborn," Dante mentioned. 

Clarke's P.O.V 

I saw Bellamy and Octavia walk into the camp. I ran over to them and gave them hugs.

"Where's Kaya?" Bellamy asked me.

"She's okay. She's alive," I tell him.

"Where is she?" Bellamy asked.

"Mount Weather. But it's not what it seems," I tell him.

"You telling me she's in danger?" Bellamy asked. 

"She could be but we both know her. She's strong. She can take care of herself," I tell him.

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