Reunited with Bellamy

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Kaya's P.O.V

Monty was fixing the chute as we stood around, in case Monty needed us.

"It's been nineteen minutes," Harper said.

"You're not helping, Harper," Maya said.

"Calm down, Maya," I told her.

"Don't worry, we'll get it open won't we Monty?" Jasper asked, looking for some good news.

"Almost there," Monty said.

"Almost isn't good enough," Miller said. Monty was talking until there was a spark from the box.

"Screw this," Monty said before ripping it off.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked.

"Cut power to the modem. Help me," Monty, Miller, and I tried to pry off the opening.

"We can't get leverage."

"There's someone in there," Harper said.

"Coming in," I pulled back and grabbed my gun. I aimed it at the opening until I saw Bellamy.

"Bellamy," I said in relief.

"Get her in here! Come on! Come on!" We hurried Maya in before Jasper followed.

"Kaya, you go too!" Monty said.

"What about you guys?" I asked.

"We'll be fine!"

I followed behind. It felt like a slide until I fell into a metal cart. I got up and looked over at Bellamy.

"Bellamy," I said.


He helped me out before giving me a long kiss. I wrapped my arms around him as I kissed back. I pulled away and looked at him.

"I was afraid that I wouldn't see you again," I told him.

"It's okay. I'm here now," Bellamy said before giving me another kiss. I pulled away again before looking up at him. I held his hand as I backed up a bit.

"What's the plan now?" I asked.

"Clarke is coming with an army of grounders," Bellamy said.

"What?" Jasper asked.

"What did we miss?" I asked.

"We have to keep all of you safe until then," Bellamy told me and Jasper.

"Don't tell me Finn finally got his peace talks," Jasper joked. I smirked at the joke.

"Something like that. Come on, we got a long way to go," Bellamy said before leading the way. I followed behind, smiling up at him.

"I'm glad you came," I told him.

"I'm glad you're still alive," Bellamy told me before kissing my head.

We followed Bellamy back up to get the rest. We went to a hallway and he looked around.

"It's all clear," Bellamy told us. I went up next to him and looked around. We walked off to get to somewhere else.

"Won't they see us?" Miller asked.

"Relax, Monty took out the cameras," Bellamy told him.

"Yeah well we're still sitting ducks in a group like this," Miller said.

"You're right. That's why we're gonna split up," Bellamy told us.

"No we do this together. We survive together," Monty said.

"Bellamy's right," Jasper said.

"They don't trust Maya anymore who's gonna help us now?" I asked.

"They are," Bellamy said as we came up to a large group of Mount Weather citizens.

"We're gonna hide you. Not everyone here agrees with Cage, not by a long shot," Maya said.

"Come with me. We'll divide you along the way," A man said.

"You'll be okay," Bellamy said.

"Let's go, you're safe now."

"Bellamy, I'm coming with you," I said, holding his hand.

"Yeah. What she said," Jasper agreed as he and Monty stayed with us.

"No you're not. They still don't know I'm here and I need to keep it that way," Bellamy told us.

"So what do we do?" Monty asked.

"Stay alive, be ready to fight. War is coming," Bellamy told us.

"Bellamy, I can't loose you again," I told him. Bellamy cupped my cheeks before looking down at me.

"You're going to be alright. I promise that we'll be back together. When we're almost done or are done, I'll find you. I'll always find you," Bellamy said.

"May we meet again," I told him. Bellamy leaned back down and kissed me hard. He pulled away before running off.

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