Make Up for Lost Time

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Kaya's P.O.V

It's been five days since Clarke left us. After she left us, I spent the time, getting my self sorted out in Camp Jaha. I spent time with my dad but I've mostly spent time with Bellamy. 

"Bellamy, where are we going?" I asked him. He was taking me somewhere away from the camp.

"Just come on," He said. 

We went pass some trees and ended up in a meadow. I smiled as I looked around. All the flowers were bloomed. The whole scenery looked peaceful.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I missed you too much," Bellamy said before giving me a kiss. 

"I missed you too," I say. 

"Plus this is making up for lost time," Bellamy told me. 

We sat down in the middle of the field. I held his hand, smiling as I looked up at him. He smiled back down at me as I leaned against him.

"Just saying, you look good in uniform," I told him.

"Oh do I?" Bellamy smiled. I looked up at him and laughed a little.


"What was it like living up there?" He asked me.

"At first they were nice. Had food, nice clothes, but I missed being free. Go out and explore," I told him.

"How was catching up with your dad?" He asked me. 

"He's happy that I'm alive. No fights so far. After I told him that we were together, he was shocked," I told him.

"Imagine if we were still in the Ark," He said. 

"You know, I did notice you," I told him. 


"Yeah. You were cute but you mostly kept to yourself," I told him.

"Well that was when I had to look out for Octavia," He told me. 

"And now look at us," I said to him.

I didn't want to leave the meadow. However, Bellamy promised to take me back here another time. We went back to the camp before it got too dark. Bellamy walked me over to my quarters but I stopped him.

"Come inside with me," I told him. He nodded at me before we went inside. We went to my bed where we lied down. 

"Stay with me?" I asked him.

"Until you or your dad kicks me out," Bellamy said. I laughed a little at him. After lying on the bed for almost five minutes, I looked up at Bellamy. I sat up making him sit up as well. 

"What?" He asked. I looked over at him and softly smiled at him. 

I straddled his lap making him smile at me. Bellamy moved a piece of my hair away before leaning up to give me a kiss. I kissed him back as I cupped his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me before pulling me closer to him.

"You don't know how much I missed you," I told him.

"You were the only reason why I kept fighting. You and Octavia," Bellamy told me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I thought about coming back to you. Coming back so we can start a new life," I told him.

"Now we can," He told me.

I gave him one more kiss before I moved my hands under his shirt. I lightly touched over his abs making him moan into the kiss. He pulled away to look at me. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bellamy asked me. I nodded at him.

"I trust you," I said to him. Bellamy nodded before kissing me again. 

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