Havoc on Mount Weather

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Kaya's P.O.V

I walked back to the room after throwing up in the bathroom for the third time. I sat on my bed before lying down.

"I'm tired of puking," Harper said.

"Same here," I mumbled.

"I'm tired of being a human pincushion," Miller said.

"Okay...I know this sucks, but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're buying ourselves time," Jasper said.

"Time for what? I say if we're going to die in here, we might as well die trying to escape," Miller said.

"How the hell are we going to escape? We don't know how Clarke escape, if Maya tries to help us, we could possibly kill her from exposure, and they have a stronger security after Clarke escaped," I told them.

"She's right. We just have to...hold on long enough for her to find a way to get us out," Jasper told everyone.

"What if she doesn't find a way? What if she didn't make it out? What if this...this story they're telling us is to hide the fact that they killed her? Then, no one's coming for us, and we're doing exactly what they want us to do," Monty said. Jasper and I looked at each other. I didn't want to think of that possibility.

"Kaya. Jasper. You know you've thought it too," Monty said.

"And I will refuse to believe it," I told Monty. 

"Alright, then. We escape-" Harper started.

"No," Jasper and I said together. Jasper looked at me as I glanced down at him. Jasper shook his head at the rest.

"We find the truth," Jasper said. 

"How do we do that?" Monty asked.

"Well they sent us down here for being criminals," I started as I sat up.

"So let's be criminals and get the truth. The hard way," I told them. 


We went to Dante's office where Monty and Harper were trying to get the door open. I stood by with Jasper and Miller as we stood watch.

"Today, Monty," I said a little annoyed. 

"I'm going as fast as I can," Monty told me. I rolled my eyes as we kept watch. 

"Relax. Maya's decontaminating the surveillance room. No one's watching. We got this. If we can get that door open," Jasper told Miller. I saw Monty had opened it making me smile.

"Ye of little faith," Monty said. 

"That's my boy. Come on, let's move," Jasper said as we ran inside the room. I looked around to find anything important. 

"Harper, watch the hole," Jasper told her. 

"Why do I have to watch the hole?" Harper asked him. 

"Monty's good with computers, Miller's a thief. Kaya is good at finding things," Jasper told her.

"Why can't you watch the hole?" Harper asked him.

"I'm the mastermind. Just go watch the hole. Come on," Jasper told her. 

"What do we have here?" Monty asked as he went to the computer. I walked over to see that there was a password requirement. 

"It's locked," I said.

"Let's see about that," Monty said before working his magic. 

"And they say we wouldn't amount to anything," Jasper smirked.

I continued to look for some things as we looked around.

"Yes," I heard.

"Put the sword down Jasper," I told him as I glanced up.

I continued to search around until Miller spoke up.

"Hey, I got something," Miller said. I walked over to him as I saw some layouts of Mount Weather. 

"Me too. Damn, I'm good," Monty said. I looked at the computer to see that he  got to the surveillance. 

I saw pictures of everyone from the Ark alive. I stared in shock.

"They're alive," Monty said. 

"Oh my god," I said. 

"If Alpha's on the ground, maybe other stations are, too," Miller said. 

"You're from Alpha, right?" Monty asked him.

"My dad was Chief Guard... He sure loved having a thief for a kid," Miller said. 

"Hey. You're a great thief. And one hell of a friend," I said.

"These are the engineering schematics for this whole place. There's a way out? I'm gonna find out," Monty said. 

"Guys. Harper didn't show for breakfast. You guys seen her?" Jasper asked us. 

"Not since Dante's office," Miller said. I looked at the boys before getting up.

"I can go look for her," I volunteered. 

"No. What if something bad happened to her and she got taken?" Jasper said.

"We can't just let her go like that. We need to find her," I told him.

"I know but I'm saying, if they did something to her, we can't let that happen to you. Especially when Bellamy could still be out there, trying to get you back," Jasper said. I looked up at him before raising my hands in defeat.


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