Seeing Bellamy

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Kaya's P.O.V

"Everyone, listen up!" I said, standing on a chair. Everyone looked at me in wonder.

"I know there's going to be some questions but Jasper and I will answer them later. Right now, we need to pack. We're getting out of here," I told everyone.

""W-- What are you talking about?"

"What, they're just letting us go?" Miller asked.

"Yes, right now before they change their minds," Jasper said.

"But, Jasper. Kaya, what the hell is going on?" Fox asked us.

"They lied to us the whole time about everything. The Ark is on the ground, and we're not safe here. Do what they say," Monty said.

"Now!" I yelled at them.

We started to pack our things until we heard an alarm. I looked over to see that the door was closing. I ran over to it and looked through the window.

"No!" Jasper yelled. I saw Maya with some guard next to her making me focus on who it was.

"Who's that? Who's that with Maya?" I asked Jasper.

"I don't know."

The guard looked over making me gasp. I saw Bellamy standing there next to Maya. He stared at me as I stared back.

"Bellamy," I said softly.

Bellamy's P.O.V

"Kaya," I said as I looked at her. I looked back at Maya.

"Get me to that radio," I told her. She nodded at me before we left the area. I'm coming for you, Kaya.

Maya took me to the radio in an art warehouse. We took down a painting that covered the radio. I took the speaker and contacted Camp Jaha.

"Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Can anyone read me? Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Can anyone read me?" I said.

"Bellamy?" I heard Clarke ask.

"Clarke?" I asked her.

"Are you all right?" She asked.

"I'm fine. That's it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Kaya, Jasper, Monty, everyone, they just locked them in the dorm," I told her.

"But they're alive, all of them? Including Kaya?" Clarke asked.

"I think so, for now. Maya says that they're already using their blood, and things are gonna get ugly in here real fast," I told her.

"Maya is with you?" Clarke asked.

"She helped me escape. If not for her, I'd be dead. And, Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one," I asked her.

"I hear you, but we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven is gonna help you," She told me.

"Got it. What else?" I asked.

"You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There is a whole army inside that mountain and they don't even realize it," Clarke told me.

"Trojan horse. Good plan," I said.

"What does Maya think? Is it doable?" She asked.

"She says it's not a problem. Clarke, if I'm gonna pull this off, I need you to buy me some time. It won't be long before they realize I don't belong here, and if that happens-"

"That can't happen. I'll come up with something," Clarke said.

"Come up with it quick," I told her.

"Copy that, and, Bellamy..."


"You came through. I knew you would."

"All I've done so far is not get killed. I'm only alive because of Kaya."

"Keep doing that," Clarke said to me.

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