Slowly to Come

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Kaya's P.O.V

I was eating some of the food as I sat there thinking of Bellamy. I looked around to see people happy. Clarke came over to me, making me smile. 

"They gave us a map with no exits," Clarke started. 

"Clarke, I want to get out as well. But first of all, we just got out of that little hell hole. We cannot just jump right out of here okay. We need to be smart about this," I tell her. 

"Finn and Bellamy could be out there," Clarke told me. 

"Look, let's just figure this place out before throwing some chaos," I tell her. 

"I can't wait," Clarke said before getting up slowly. She started to walk off before making me sigh.

Bellamy's P.O.V

Kaya's father looked at us four. There were more of them as they came over. 

"Don't stand," Clarke's mom said, coming to us.

"I'm fine. We need to get back to the dropship," I tell her.

"Hey. Where's Clarke and Kaya? Are they alright?" Clarke's mom asked.

"They were when we left. We'll take you to them," Finn told her.

"Wait. Slow down," Kaya's father stopped us. 

"Sinclair, we're splitting up. One guard detail comes with me to the dropship. Everyone else here goes with you to Alpha station," I heard him say. I couldn't hear him after that. Kaya's father turned back to us, walking. 

"You six with me. You two, lead the way," He tells us. 

Once we made it close to the ground, I didn't hear anything. I started to grow worried. 

"It's too quiet," I tell Finn. I was about to go up but Marcus Kane stopped me. 

"We'll take it from here," He told me. 

"Banks. Scanlan. You stay with them. We'll signal once we're sure it's safe," He told us. I was starting to remember how much I hated on being controlled. 

Kaya's P.O.V

I walked around the areas I was allowed in. I looked as there were small children running around. I stared as they ran around. Dinner was announced making me walk over. I had to dress up a little more nice before standing next to Clarke.

"It's too perfect here," I signed to her. 

"I know," She replied back. I saw the President look at us with a small smile. 

"What do you have in mind?" I signed to her. 

"Not much, yet. But we'll think of something," Clarke signed to me. I nodded before we all got together to eat. 

After dinner, we went to our new rooms where I shared a bunk with Clarke. There was a gift for her as I sat down next to it. 

"Who's it from?" I asked. 

"The president," She told me. Clarke opened it to reveal some art supplies. I looked over at her as she looked back at me. 

"We'll think about this together," I tell her. 

"I know," Clarke nodded. 

"Draw me a pretty picture," I tell her. 

"Okay," Clarke smiled. I lied down on my bed, thinking about Bellamy. 

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