Talks and Discoveries

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Bellamy's P.O.V

The next morning, I was still in the room they put me in. All I could think about was Kaya. Marcus came in making me look over. 

"How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?" I asked him.

"Till I'm confident you're no longer a threat to others," He tells me. He pulled up a chair making me look at him.

"Let's continue. You said there were hundreds of Grounders attacking. Two, three hundred?" He asked. I could be finding Kaya right now instead of being trapped in here.

"I didn't count," I tell him.

"Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?" He asked me, 

"We were here. That was enough. We're wasting time. The others didn't just vanish into thin air. They were taken, and we need to go after them. Especially Kaya," I tell him.

"Kaya? She's still alive?" Marcus asked me. 

"Yes and I should be out there looking for her," I tell him.

"A search team is prepping to leave. But not before we've gotten the intel we need from you," He tells me. I walked over and sat in front of him. 

"I need to be on that team. Please," I begged him.

"It's out of the question. You're not trained. It's too dangerous," Marcus told me.

"Those are my people out there," I tell him.

"They're my people too. You wanna help them? Tell me what we're up against. Grounder tactics. Their numbers. What kind of weapons they used," He told me. I shook my head a bit.

"Arrows and spears. Axes. Swords. Their teeth," I tell him.

"No guns?" He asked. I shook my head as a response. 

"You had guns," He mentioned to me.

"The guns we found at the aid depot leveled the playing field. Maybe... Maybe if we had more bullets, we could've-"

"There were more bullets," Marcus interrupted me. 

"Search team just returned from the bunker. Found two more barrels with riffles... and a third filled with bullets," He told me.

"We should've looked harder," I said. The doors open making us look up.

"Keep walking," I heard. I looked to see two guards with Murphy in their arms.

"What's he doing here?" We both said together. I stood up as he was in here. 

"Excuse me, sir. Dr. Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy out of medical," The woman said. Marcus got up and looked at me. I gave him a look as he turned to look at Murphy.

"Put him over there, Major Byrne," I shook my head in disbelief.

"On your knees," The guards said coming over to me. I did as they said. They cuffed me as they also cuffed Murphy.

"This should be fun," He said. Gunshots were heard form outside making me look over.

"Let's go," He said. 

"Kaya," I said. 

Kaya's P.O.V

I lied on my bed, reading my book. It was now morning and I was missing Bellamy each hour. How long do I have to be in this prison?

"Hey, it's Miller," I sat up to see him okay and walking with Maya. I got up and Monty walked over to me.

"Hey, Kaya. You want to get some breakfast?" Monty asked me. 

"Sure. Why not?" I asked him. 

We were getting ready to go, until an alarm stopped us. We all looked around in confusion as it rang. I looked over at Clarke as she looked at me.

"Let's go," I tell her.

"Come on," She said. We both ran out with Jasper following us.

"They were attacked. One dead. He's in room two. The other took off his gloves and mask to treat him. He's still in decon, but he'll need treatment as soon as he's processed through," We heard a man said as he put on his suit.

"Who attacked them?" I asked.

"What are they doing here?" The man asked Maya. I turned around and grabbed the key card from another man's pocket.

"Hey, stop! It's not safe!" The man told us. 

"It is for us," Clarke said. I pressed the card to open the door before looking at Jasper.

"Let's go, Jasper," I said. Clarke opened the door before we both sprinted in.

"Clarke, Kaya. Slow down," Jasper said. We looked to see a door that could lead us to the room. We walked over in a hurry before opening it.

"Stop pushing so hard. These people are..." Jasper started. We saw a body, covered in a plastic wrap. The body looked bloody as if he had gotten really bad burns. 

"Are lying to us. That's a bullet wound," Clarke said, showing us.

"Grounders don't use guns," I said.

"Unless the Grounders got the guns from us," Jasper suggested.

"I don't think so. I think our people are alive out there," Clarke said. 

"Bellamy and Finn?" I asked. 


We turned to see some doctor lady there in a suit. She did not look very please to see us here.

"Get them out of here," She said. We saw a badly burnt man be helped inside making us stare in shock.

"Oh my god," I said. 

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