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Kaya's P.O.V

Clarke and I walked over to President Wallace during the breakfast.

"We need to talk," Clarke said.

"Sure. Let's talk over breakfast," He told us.

"Who shot that soldier?" I asked him. Some people looked up at us in confusion and worry. Not that I care.

"The patrol that was looking for your people was attacked by what you call Grounders," He told us.

"We fought Grounders. They don't use guns," Clarke told him.

"I never mentioned guns. Sergeant Shaw was shot by an arrow," He tells me.

"Lies. I know the difference between a bullet wound and an arrow wound because I made them both to two different people," I tell him.

"Sometimes, we feel so strongly about our people we see things that aren't there," He tells us.

"We like to see the body," Clarke told him.

"Of course. Come with me," President Wallace said.

We went to the room where we found the body. I leaned against a counter waiting for them to show up. Clarke looked at me. 

"I don't trust them," I signed to her. 

"Me neither," She signed back.

"You two know sign language?" President Wallace asked.

"Yes. I was a mute for twelve years," I tell him.

"I can tell. Your voice is much softer than the rest," He said. The doctor came in, wheeling the body.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. We had to finish decontamination," She told us.

"Thank you, Doctor Tsing," President Wallace said.

"The man with the burns, how is he?" Clarke asked.

"He's improving," Dr. Tsing told us.

"I... I'd like to talk to him," Clarke said.

"Sir, only patients are allowed in medical," The doctor said.

"We can arrange that," Wallace said. Doctor Tsing showed us the body, but there was something metal in him.

"What is that?" I questioned.

"It's a dialysis shunt. We all have them in case of exposure. Would you like to see the exit wound?" She asked us. Clarke and I nodded at her. She turned the body around showing us the exit wound.

"Sergeant Langston was forced to push the arrow out in the field," She explained to us. I looked over at Clarke who didn't look convinced either. 

"Thank you, sir. We've got it right here," Doctor Tsing said, showing us the arrow tip. Clarke and I walked back to our room where everyone else was. Jasper walked over to us as soon as we walked back in.

"What did President Wallace say?" He asked us.

"He showed us Shaw's body. It looked like an arrow wound," I tell him.

"Well, maybe because it is an arrow wound," Jasper said.

"Or that's what they want us to think. What? They could have doctored it," Clarke said. Jasper was giving us a look.

"Clarke. Kaya, you sound like crazy people. Why do you two want to screw this up for us?" Jasper asked.

"We don't even know what this is," Clarke defended.

"This is... safe. This is food, a real bed, clothes, and my personal favorite... not getting speared by Grounders. How long do you think they'll let us stay here if you two keep this up?" Jasper asked.

"Did someone threaten you?" I asked him.

"Heh. No. No. It's common sense. Look. We're guests here, not prisoners. What would you do with a guest who kept calling you a liar and generally acted like an ungrateful ass?" Jasper asked us.

"Kick the ungrateful ass out," Miller said, butting into our conversation.

"Right now, biggest threat to us is you two," Jasper said. 

"Sorry, we made you feel like that. It's not like we left people behind or anything," I tell him before walking away.

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