War on Mount Weather Part 2

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Kaya's P.O.V

"In here," Bellamy said as he opened the door. He walked out first then me. We looked over to see Clarke and Octavia. 

"Oh, Bellamy," Octavia said walking over to her. 


"Clarke," I hugged her tightly as she hugged me back .

"I missed you so much," I said. 

"I'm so sorry I left," She said. 

"It's fine. All that matters is you came back," I told her. Jasper and Monty came out as well. I hugged Octavia after I let go of Clarke.

"I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill," Octavia said before hugging them. Maya walked out, wearing her hazmat suit.

"It's all right. She's with us," Jasper told Octavia.

"Miss you Octopus," I said, nudging Octavia. 

"Clarke!" Jasper rushed forward, hugging Clarke, and Monty quickly joined in. Iheard a beeping come from Maya's suit. I looked over at her. 

"Thirty minutes. And we just changed it," Jasper said.

"That can't be right," I said.

"Uh, shh- um... It's her last tank."

"Hey. Uh, we'll find you another one," Clarke assured her. 

"All the supplemental oxygen is on level five," Maya said. 

"Then we have to get you to level five," Jasper said.

"Five isn't safe for any of us," Maya told him. 

"We'll take the trash chute again. It will work," Jasper said. 

"To get in, maybe. Maya's right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We'll never make it out," Bellamy told him

"We can do this. We'll split up," Jasper said.

"Okay. You guys go for Dante. We'll help Maya," Octavia said. We nodded before walking back. 


Monty took out the camera from Dante's quarantined room. Monty, Clarke, Bellamy, and I walked inside the white room and looked at him. 

"Hello, Clarke," Dante said to her. 

"Sir, we need your help again," Bellamy said. 

"It's okay. I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely," Monty told him. 

"No one's watching, anyway. Thanks to you, they're all on level five," Dante said. 

"You're not," I pointed out. 

"No. I'm not," He said. 

"Please. We don't have much time. We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone," Bellamy said. 

"He's not gonna help us," Clarke said. 

"You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain- my people, even the ones who helped you," Dante said. 

"We knew they'd be safe on level five. We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We're the good guys here, not you," Clarke said. 

"Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would've happened to mine?" Dante asked her. 

"Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what's happening on level five," Clarke said to Monty.

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