Chapter Eleven

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"What! Run away?!" I said shocked. 

"Taylor I know it sounds risky, but if you wanna stay together and keep these promises we need to escape." He said reaching out to me. He grabbed my sleeve pulling me in. I teared up. he pulled me in and hugged me. He rocked back and forth. I loved being close to him. He had the magical touch. when with him. The whole world seems to disappear. I closed my eyes. He let me go.

"Please." he whispered.

"Ok." I said. he smiled and i walked to my closet. I pulled out a bug duffel bag. 

"What are you doing?" He asked over my shoulder.

"What does it look like i'm doing. I'm packing because I'm running away with my boyfriend." I said and went back into my closet. I grabbed shorts, jeans, tank tops, long sleeves, and short sleeves.

"I know what your doing sweetie. I'm wondering why?" He said shrugging.

"Because! I don't know how long were going to be gone, and where were going?" I said and stuffed my clothes in the bag. I threw my bathroom stuff in there and put on my ugg boots. I also put my cowboy boots in the bag too. I grabbed my ipod, my cell phone, and a few small things. I zipped up my bag.

"Well we cant go out the front." I said holding all my stuff. He sighed and headed for the balcony. He opened the door and took my hand. he lead me out. 

"I'll go down there, and then you throw your stuff down, then you come done." He said climbing down the tree. He did it with little difficulty. he raised his arms up.

"Throw the bag to me." he whispered loudly. I picked it up ad tossed it down. He caught it and set it down. He raised his hands again.

"Wanna jump? I'll catch you." He said smiling.

"No thanks. I'll take the tree." I said and he chuckled. I climbed on my balcony and clung to the tree. I climbed down the branches and i was almost at the bottom when my foot slipped. I fell but luckily someone was there to catch me. 

"Thanks." I said and he set me down.

"No problem. Told you I'd catch you." He said and smirked. I grabbed my duffel bag and we creeped quietly through the garden and down the street. I stopped and looked at the house one last time. I don't know how long i'll be gone.

"Your doing a good thing Taylor." He said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I hope so." I said and he kissed my lips quickly. He led me to the car. He opened the door for me and I slid in throwing my bag in the back seat. He came around and we drove heading for who knows where.

"So where are we exactly going?" I asked looking at him.

"Vegas." He said and then he opened the compartment.

"Your navigator." He said and gave me the map.

"Your lucky I'm good at directions." I said and unfolded it.

"I'm lucky just being with you." He said and smiled dreamily.

"Ok Ok, Mr.Romantic keep driving." I laughed. I hummed looking for the right direction.

"Alright Taylor. Take a left up here, then a right, then that should lead to the highway taking us all the way to vegas." I said folding the map back to a little rectangle.

"Okie Dokie Navigator." He said and turned onto the highway. My eyes drooped.

He seemed to notice.

"Go to sleep. We wont be there for a while." He said and rubbed my cheek.

"Are you sure?" I asked sleepily.

"Go to sleep." He said keeping his eyes on the road. With that I leaned on my side and closed my eyes. Soon enough I was fast asleep, Running away with my Romeo.

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