Chapter Fourty Three (Finale)

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Taylor, Alicia, and I drove out to Selena's home. She showed me my brides maid dress and It was beautiful. She was having a beach themed wedding so it was a light blue with tan sash. She offered that we could stay in her guest room, but Taylor and I insisted on staying at a fancy hotel 20 minutes away. We won of course. I didn't want to keep them up with Alicia's crying. We drove to the hotel and walked in.

"Hello sir. Welcome to the diamond stones hotel." the concierge man said. (Sorry for the random hotel name :D) 

"Hello. Im here to check in. It would be under Lautner." Taylor smiled as we waited patiently. I held Alicia in my arms bouncing her lightly. The man typed on his computer. He stopped and his eyed rolled over the screen.

"Would it be Taylor and Taylor." He smiled. Taylor nodded and the man looked back on the screen. 

"And is it correct you'll be staying here for 3 days, and requested one queen sized bed and a crib." He asked. 

"yes sir thats correct." Taylor agreed. 

"Fantastic." He said and swiped a key across the computer. He handed Taylor 2 keys and we walked to the elevator. 

"What room is it?" I asked. He opened the brochure showing the room number.

"It's room number 451 on the 4th floor." He said huskily and I pushed the button. I leaned Faith against my shoulder as she closed her eyes. It was already 11:00 p.m because we got in later then we thought. We opened the door and the crib was plain white with a mattress inside. I placed a blanket in it, set Alicia inside, and put another blanket over her. I kissed her goodnight then opened the curtains. It was a city view that was beautiful. 

"Do you wanna get to bed? We have a big day tomorrow." He smiled. I nodded and got in my pajamas. We climbed into bed and fell asleep. The next morning I felt shaking. I moaned. 

"Taylor you have to get up. We have to be at Selena and Nicks place in an hour." He whispered in my ear. I fluttered my eyes open and sat up. Alicia was playing with her toys on the ground on her blanket. 

"Ok I guess I'll shower." I said and rubbed my eyes. I got in the shower and showered for 30 minutes. I got out and got dressed. Taylor was dressed by the time I was done, and he was putting a shirt on Alicia. 

"Why do baby clothes have to be so complicated?" He asked trying to get her arms through. 

"Ok how about I put on the clothes, and you make the bottles." I smirked and took over. He nodded and began making her a bottle. I got her shirt on and my cell rang. I walked over the bedside table and picked it up while holding Alicia. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hey Taylor. Were getting ready to leave for the bachelorette party. Have you left?" Selena asked.

"Ya were leaving right now." I said.

"Alright cool. Justin is getting ready to leave soon with Taylor for the bachelor party." She said.

"Ok cool. See you soon." I smiled.

"Alright, bye." She said and hung up. We gathered our stuff and left for Selena and Justin.

We arrived at Selena and Justin's. All the girls left and the guys left. All the girls were Selena, Ashley, Demi, Me, and some other of Selena's close friends. We went to a club which was all decorated. Lights flashed, and the stage as lit up. We sat at a table, and waiters gave us drinks. Guys came out on stage and did dirty things, and we all laughed. It was so fun. They pulled Selena up on stage and danced dirty around her. Ashley and I were laughing hard, and pointing. The party ended a few hours later. We got back to Selena's and the guys were already there. Taylor greeted me with a kiss. "Did you have fun?" He asked smiling. I smiled. "We had a lot of fun. The guys were very sexy." I smirked. He chuckled. "Not as sexy as me right." He said pulling me closer. I hugged him. "Don't worry." I smiled. We hung out for a while, and listened to each other as they told funny stories that happened during their night out. "Taylor we should go." Taylor said getting up. I nodded and got up. Taylor put his arm around my waist. "You guys have a big day tomorrow, so you need rest." I said. Selena and Justin nodded. Everyone decided to leave. We left and drove back to the hotel. I carried Alicia in and we put her in her crib. "Sleep tight." I smiled as I tucked her in. Taylor and I got dressed in our pajamas and went to bed. We laid in bed. "Is this really happening?" I asked. Taylor smiled. "Yes it is." He said. I sighed. "I never thought this day would come. The day I would be released from that place." I said looking up at the ceiling. I felt Taylor's warm hand grab mine  "I can't believe it either. Were finally together with the best thing thats ever happened to me." He said and looked at Alicia's crib. "I just want to say that Taylor, your the best thing thats ever happened to me. I love you so much." I said cuddling next to him. "I love you too Taylor, Forever and Always." He said and we kissed before I closed my eyes. 

 We woke up the next morning excited for the wedding. We got Alicia dressed, and she looked adorable. I looked on out the window to see the sun breaking through the buildings. All the sudden my phone started buzzing on the bed side table. I went over to it and picked it up. the caller-ID read: Selena. "Hello?" I answered. "I'm on my way to the fitting, you?" She asked. "I was just about to leave actually." I smiled. She sighed as if she was relieved. "Ok good. Oh my god, Taylor. I'm so nervous and excited!" She said. I laughed. "It's gonna go great. I'll meet you at the fitting." I said and hung up. Taylor had just gotten out of the shower. He came out in a towel. I was grabbing my keys, and purse. "Where you going?" he asked. "The fitting, remember. So I'm gonna take Alicia." I smiled picking her up in her carry thing. (Sorry forget what they are called.) "Oh ok. The boy's one is not till later. I'll see you I guess at the wedding." He smiled. "Mmhmm." I hummed. He came over to me. "I love you." He said smiling. "I love you too. Look hot, ok?" I asked walking towards the door. "Oh I will. Look pretty." He said as I closed the door on him. I walked out of the lobby, and into the rental car. I placed Alicia in her car seat, and drove to the fitting. I walked in and everyone greeted me. "Hey Ashley!" I said hugging her. "Hey." She smiled. She was already in her dress. "You look pretty ASHLEY GREENE!!." I smiled. She giggled. "Thanks." She said. I was next. Selena was getting her nails freshened up. I got in my dress, and walked out. Everyone "oohed" at me. "You look so pretty." Ashley gushed. I blushed. "Thanks." I smiled playing with my dress. The rest of the time, we got our hair done, and makeup, and shoes on. We talked, and picked out the jewelry. It was finally time for the wedding. Alicia was with my mom in the church. "Ready, Selena?" I asked her. "Yes, but I'm so nervous." She said breathing in and out fast. "Selena it's ok. You look beautiful." I said fixing her vail. Her eyes twinkled. "Thank you for everything." I said. "Your welcome." She smiled. "Selena?" Her father asked. She turned around. "Is it time?" She asked. He nodded and she linked arms. We all lined up, and we heard the song. We began walking, and everyone stared at us. I smiled as I saw Taylor standing there. I blushed. We all made it down, and the wedding began. (I'm gonna skip to the kiss :D) "I do." Selena smiled. Everyone was either crying or smiling. "You may now kiss the bride." The man said. Justin grabbed her hands and kissed her. Everyone clapped and cheered. They walked down the aisle, and to the outside. They drove off to the after party and we joined them. "Hey beautiful." I heard Taylor behind me. "Hey." I smiled and kissed him. All the sudden a slow song begun playing. "Come dance with me." He said leading me to the dance floor. We began slow dancing. "Where's Alicia?" I asked him. "You mom has her." He laughed. I nodded. Can you believe this?" He asked. "No. It's still breath taking." I said looking into his eyes. "We did it. I promised you that we'd be together. Look where we are now." He smiled. "Thank you for not giving up on me." I said tearing up. "I could never. We had a forbidden love that was beat, because love conquers all." He smiled. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." he said and kissed me. We had made it. All the way. I had conquered my forbidden love.

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