Chapter Thirty Two

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The doctor finished everything and Joe and I went home. We got in the house and he spun me around and hugged me.

"I'm so happy for us." He said hugging me.

"Metoo." I choked out. He released me. 

"I got to go tell everyone at work. Be back later." he said and left. I sighed and dropped to my knee's. I sobbed into my hands. Why!?!?! Why did this happen to me?? Why didn't I just jump off that cliff when i had the chance. I'm a week pregnant. Crap. another 8 months and 3 weeks until this miracle is born. I pulled myself off the ground and went to the couch. I watched T.V and decided to do the laundry. I went to our bedroom and started picking up clothes. I found some shirts that were Joe's and pants that were mine. i decided to look under the bed. I saw a piece of clothing so I grabbed it. Underwear. I put them in the basket I was carrying and took a few steps. WAIT! I looked at them and realized that they weren't mine. I don't wear these kinds. Where did they come from? If they're not mine, and obviously not Joe's, who's are they? Joe. Cheating on me..Not just cheating having a dirty relationship. Oh my god.The door bell rang and A girl a few years younger then me was at the door. 

"Hi." She faked smiled. 

"Uh, Hi." I said awkwardly.

"My name is Ashley." She said.

"Hello Ashley. Are you alright?" I asked.

"Actually No. I came to talk to you about something." She said looking down.

"Well come on in." I said opening the door wider.

"Is Joe here?" She asked before entering.

"No he's not. Just me." I said looking at her.

"Ok." She said and came in, and set her bracelet down.She looked around and looked scared.

"Are you alrigh Ashley?" I asked sitting on the couch. She shook her head no.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She walked quietly over the couch and sat next to me.

"Joe tried to rape me." she said closing her eyes. I gasped.

"What! When! Are you sure!?!" I practically yelled. She nodded.

"I was at the park reading, and he grabbed me and dragged me here. He covered my mouth and dragged me to the bedroom. I tried to scream, but his hand was over my mouth. He threw me on the bed and stated removing his clothes. I tried to escape, but he tried to tie me down.He took off my bottoms and threw them under the bed. I swerved around him, and escaped out the window." She said tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh my god." I whispered. She nodded.

"How old are you?" I asked fearing the answer.

"I'm 18 years old." She said curling her knee's to her chest. WAIT the underwear. There probably Ashley's. Joe threw her bottoms under the bed, and she never got them.

"Oh my. Ashley I had no Idea. Why did you come back here though?" I asked confused.

"I came back because I knew he was married. I came to tell you." She cried.

"Thank you Ashley, but I don't know what to do?" I rambled.

"I don't either." She said resting her head on her knee's. Then there was a knock on the door. I shot up and opened the door. Taylor was standing there. He hugged me.

"Oh Taylor. How are you? I've missed you so much." He said and suddenly stopped.

"Who are you?" he asked. I broke away from him and he was staring at Miley. Her hood was over her head and she held her legs to her chest.

"Ashley." She said said shyly.

"Hello Ashley." He said politely.

"Hi." She said.

"Who is she?" Taylor whispered in my ear. I looked at him and pulled him into the kitchen so Ashley couldn't here.

"Joe tried to rape her." I said crossing my arms.

"What!" He said shocked.

"Shhhh. I know. I don't know what to do?" I said glancing in the living room. 

"I don't know what to do either." He said. I walked back in the living room where Ashley was. Taylor followed.

"Ashley do you have a place to stay?" I asked.

"My apartment, but I'm too scared to go home." She said scared. Taylor and I sat on the other side of her.

"Well you can't stay here." I sighed. 

"You can stay at my place. I have an extra bedroom." Taylor offered. She looked at Taylor and leaned away from him.

"Ashley don't worry. Taylor is the nicest guy I've ever known. You can trust him." I said rubbing her back. Taylor smiled.

"Alright. Thanks Taylor. Thanks Taylor." She said realizing we have the same name. I laughed to myself. I saw headlights in the corner's of my eyes. It was Joe's car.

"You two need to get out of here!" I shot up. They shot up two and we ran to the back room. I opened the window and Taylor got through. Ashley climbed and went too.

" I shut the window and ran back out.

"Who's is this?" Joe asked and lift dupe Ashley's bracelet.

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