~Chapter 2~ Can't Thank You Enough.

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~Chapter 2~ Can't Thank You Enough.

~Zac's P.O.V~

I saw Steph walk in with... another dude?! Who is he?! Oh, I'll get her back for this...

"Ben, I need a favor..."

~Steph's P.O.V~

"Steph, I'm going to lock Jeffery back up in his pen this time so he doesn't run off. I'll catch up with you in a bit, then maybe we could go on a ride together... Or not together... Like as friends..."

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I replied. He was nervous. I don't know why, I mean I'm not used to people being nervous around me. He scurried off with Jeffery.


"Hey babe. Where've you been? I've missed you." I heard from behind me. Fuck my life. He's back. He's never liked me, in fact, he bullied me. Now he just waltz in thinking I love him and I'm his. He's a bastard and I want nothing to do with him, so I started to walk away.

"Playing hard to get?" I heard him say. I can hear him smirking. Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist.

"WHAT THE FUCK BEN?! GET THE HELL AWAY YOU BITCH!" I screamed but nobody seemed to care. Okay, maybe I overreacted, but I was scared.

"Babe, no need to act like this." he was smirking.

"Now c'mon, lets go on a ride." he said dragging me to the Ferris Wheel. We got in a cart and Ben sat next to me. What worried me the most is Zac was sitting next to a whore. This was going to be interesting.

As the ride got higher, Ben got closer. He started kissing me, pinning me to the side of the ride. I looked over to see my boyfriend making out with some whore. Ouch. Ben backed away for air and I screamed. The operator stopped the ride and to my luck we were at the bottom. Suddenly I was on the floor with all of Ben's weight on top of me, then it all suddenly left. I looked up to see Jason. He saved me. Then he picked me up and ran me to his car.

~Jason's P.O.V~

I heard a scream. Not just any scream, I'm positive that was Steph's scream. I ran over to where I heard it, and saw a man basically sexually assaulting her. I would not stand for it. I pulled him off of her, hitting his face. He will probably have a black eye tomorrow, but I didn't care. Without thinking, I ran her to my car. I gently set her in the back seat, speeding off.

After a few minutes, she started heavily crying, so I pulled over and hopped in the back seat next to her.

"You'll be okay, I'll protect you for as long as I am able too. Okay?" I said while stroking her hair. I tried to comfort her. She just nodded. Then I wiped away her tears with my thumb. Is she leaning in? Am I? I barely know her! Then our lips touched. She pulled away and smiled.

"I'm sorry." she said quietly.

"Don't be, I loved it" wait... did I just say that?! Stupid!

"Me too." was all she said. She calmed down and I went back to driving.


"Jason?" she sounded so innocent.

"Yes?" I said.

"Thank you." she said.

"My pleasure." I responded politely, but it really was my pleasure. After a few minutes she started talking again.

"Thank you so much. Thank you. I don't know why you saved me, but I can't thank you enough." she said. She was so sweet and I loved it.

We were about 10 minutes away from where I was taking her. I was going to bring her to my apartment so she wouldn't be within walking distance from her assaulter. Then I heard her say something.

"Where are we going, Jason?"

"My apartment." silence.

"My mom is going to get so mad..."

"Then come up with something?" I suggested.

"Okay." she said.

~Steph's P.O.V~

"Then come up with something?" I haven't even known Jason for 3 hours and he's already amazing.

"Okay." I responded. Come up with something... Hm... I know! I'll call my best friend Savannah and plan something!

After talking with Savannah, we had a plan. I'll tell my mom I'm staying at Savannah's apartment for a few weeks while I'm actually at Jason's! Savannah's okay with it and my mom bought it! This plan might actually work..!

We were sitting in the car in a comfortable silence. It was nice. I was just lost in my own thoughts when I remembered I didn't have extra clothes or my necessities. Sure, I had cash, but not enough for a whole outfit, let alone bathroom stuff. Then I remembered that I have clothes at my Grandparents' house. They live in the town we're at, so might as well go, right?

"Jason, can we go to my Grandparents' house so I can get clothes and necessities?" I asked calmly. I hoped he would, I could just tell them what I told mom and that Jason was my driver, right?

"Sure, just tell me where they live." and with that I gave him the directions.

The ride seemed to take hours when in reality it was only about 45 minutes.

"Stay here, I'll go get everything." I explained. This was going to be interesting.

"Grandma? Grandpa? I'm here!" I said casually.

"Sorry I didn't call, but this is kind of an emergency!" I said a little too loud.

The next thing I knew, Grandma was right in front of me. She looked concerned.

"Grandma! I need my stash of clothes and necessities!" I said.

"Why? What happened? Do you need to stay here? Is everything okay? You look like you were crying, will you be alright?" she asked all these questions. She always did this.

"Grandma, calm down! I'm just staying with a friend and I need stuff!" I explained calmly.

"Who's the guy?" she asked pointing to the car.

"Oh, him? He's just giving me a ride!"

"Oh. Well be careful! Let me go get a suitcase and all your clothes!" she said as she brought me to the room I always stayed in. They live in a trailer park kind of, but this was too nice to be here.

"There you go, young lady! Call me with updates! Love you!"

"Yup, will do! Tell Grandpa I say hi!" and with that, I was out of there.

I walked to the car to see a blonde whore flirting with him through the rolled down window. I was jealous, so naturally I did what any girl would do.

"Okay, babe! I'm ready! Oh, who is she babe? Are you leaving me? I love you!" and then I started fake crying. It looked real. Did I mention I wanted to be an actress?

"Babe, No! I would never leave you!" he said. Wow. It seemed so real.

"Who's that bitch?" the blonde said chewing her gum awfully too loud.

"Keep your gum in your mouth, hun." I said. That pissed her off. She stormed away and just because I knew she'd look back, I hugged Jason and kissed him until I knew she was gone.

"Thanks for playing, now let's put this shit in the trunk!" I said.

"Haha okay, okay!"

With that, we got in the car.

"Who was she?"

By Chance. ~A MinecraftUniverse Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now