~Chapter 3~ I Just Miss Her.

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~Chapter 3~ I Just Miss Her.

~Jason's P.O.V~

"Who was she?"

How was I supposed to respond?

"Um, I don't know?" I said. It turned out more of a question than an answer.

"Who is she?!" Steph seemed aggravated. I can't tell her!

I didn't answer.

"Fine, don't tell me. I would like to go back home." she said. Ouch. Was that my heart? I don't know. I've never felt like this for a girl, especially one I have only known for a couple hours. How can I respond?

"No. I can't tell you who she is." she looked hurt. I tried to put my hand on her knee because she moved to the front seat, but she slapped my hand.

"Just, tell me. I can handle it." but she can't. I know she can't.

"You can't. I'll tell you sometime hopefully." but that didn't make her feel better.

"Okay. I'll tell you IF you promise not to feel bad, cry, or anything bad." I said. She nodded. I knew she would anyways.

"She's my ex girlfriend."

Silence. That's all it was. Not a comfortable silence, but an awkward one.

"But..." she started. She shut her mouth after that. I saw the tears forming.

"Please, don't cry. She means nothing to me. I promise." but that was a lie. I missed her. I missed us. After all, she was my first love.

"I know you want her back. I'm just not... never mind." her voice got small and weak. I wonder what's up.

~Steph's P.O.V~

I know he wants her. She had everything. Perfect bleach blond hair that was naturally wavy. It was natural colored, too. Sparkling blue eyes. Plump lips. Perfect makeup. Perfect body. Everything. Then there's me.

Dirty blonde hair. Dull green eyes. Thin lips. Crappy done makeup. And I was plump. No wonder he still wanted her.

"What are you thinking?" he asked. I'm not telling him. He'll agree.

"Nothing." I said weakly. I was not telling him shit.

Then we pulled into his driveway. I ran inside, looking for paper to compare that girl to me. I finally finished it. I then crumpled it and threw it in the garbage.

About 10 minutes later Jason came up to me.

"What's this? Is this what you where thinking eariler?" He asked concerned.

"No." I didn't look him in the eye. I couldn't. I'd just break down and start crying all over again.

Jason made me stand up and walked me over to his couch. He suddenly made me look into his eyes. I got scared. What was he going to do?

"You are beautiful, okay? I know you don't think so, but you are. I don't love her, let alone like her. I just miss her. A lot. She was the first girl I thought I loved, but after I met you, I realized that I didn't love her. Okay?" he started to tear up.

Okay, he was totally acting. I don't care how 'sweet' or 'kind' it was, it's not true. He was acting, I bet. He was just saying it so I wouldn't cry or hate him probably. Okay, now I felt bad.

"Jason. Don't lie." my head started to hurt. I got up, took some pills and then got changed into pajamas.

"Jason, I'm going to bed." was all I said before passing out.

I woke up at 6 in the morning. I guess I should get up. I looked over to see Jason shirtless next to me.

"WHAT THE FUCK JASON?!" I basically screamed at the top of my lungs, waking him up.

"WHAT?" he screamed back. Damn...

"Why the Hell are you in bed?!"

"Well, because it's my bed and I didn't feel like moving you." he explained calmly.

"Oh. Put on a shirt." was all I said before leaving the warm bed. Why was this apartment so cold?!

"Fine, mom." and with that I got changed. I put on some skinnies and a huge sweatshirt. I didn't care, that place was fucking freezing!

I walked into the kitchen and made enough eggs and toast for myself. If he wanted anything, he can get it himself. All I was going to do today way lay in his bed and watch T.V. I had a long day of Netflix ahead of me.

After about 5 hours of random shows, I decided to catch up with my YouTube watching. I saw MinecraftUniverse updated and made an IRL video. It was titled 'Updates and Girl Problems!' so I obviously clicked on it.

After watching the first minute I realized it was Jason.

I was the girl he was having problems with.

"JASON! GET IN HERE!" I screamed. He ran in quickly with a worried look on his face.

"You're MinecraftUniverse?" I asked. He looked surprised. I felt so stupid.

"You watch my videos?" I bit my lip and nodded.

"Am I the girl?" I asked with a worried tone. He nodded.

We just sat next to each other in silence. My head lay on his chest, his arm around my shoulders.

~Jason's P.O.V~

"Hello Stars, and welcome to another video" I started.

"Today is just a little update IRL video! So today I need a little help from you Stars." I was worried.

"I met this girl, and I like her, but I don't know if she likes me. She may have seen my ex girlfriend and now I don't know how to make her realize that I'm over her. Please help me by commenting and maybe leaving a thumbs up for support. See you later Stars. Bye." and with that, I ended the video.

I uploaded the video and then I took a little nap. I woke up about 10 minutes later to screaming. I didn't know what to do.

By Chance. ~A MinecraftUniverse Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now