~Chapter 9~ Shattered Glass.

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~Chapter 9~ Shattered Glass.

~Steph's P.O.V~

It was Zac lying on the hospital bed. He looked so fragile, so weak. He's never looked so helpless in his life. His brownish black hair looked greasy and messy, with his face pale. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open with dry, cracked, and colorless lips. The only sound in the room was his breathing, which was good. At least he wasn't dead. Even though we broke up, I still cared for him. If he died, I would break down. I can't let him die on me, at least not right now.

I ran over to the side of the bed, kneeling next to him. I wanted to cry, to let everything out, but I couldn't. It was almost physically impossible to let out a single tear.

"He's okay, for now." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see Ben. He looked like he had been crying? Why the Hell was he sad? This happened to the guy he had in his 'group' before they let Zac in, and he just left him to die.

"What are YOU doing here? Aren't you going to let him die like Rob?" I said, quite harshly. He tensed up, then relaxed. He had a sad look in his eyes, but why? It's not like he did anything, did he?

"I.. Um... I..." he just looked off into the distance. What was his problem?

"Just tell me already, dammit!" I almost screamed at him. He looked hurt, and I felt my expression soften. I stood up and looked at him.

"Sorry." and with that, I ran out. I had a sudden urge to find Jason, to apologize and get him back. I needed him. After all of this, I needed to tell him that I loved him. That I love him. That I will always love him. I ran to the parking ramp to see Alex smoking. Since when did he smoke? Oh, what did I care? I looked around frantically and found out that the car was gone.

"Where's the car?! I need to find Jason!" I yelled frantically, earning glares and looks from the people passing by. I mentally flipped them all off, staring at Alex. He was looking at the ground, holding his cigarette.

"I don't fucking know! Don't ask me!" he screamed. I got out my phone and found Jason's contact. I called him about 7 times, and he didn't answer any of them. I ended up calling Savannah, because I didn't have any other friends that lived in town. I waited about 3 rings before she answered.


"Savannah, pick me up at the hospital, now! Thanks!" and without letting her answer, I hung up. I needed her to get here as soon as she could before Jason could do something stupid.

~Zac's P.O.V~
<Flashback before hospital>

"God Dammit, Alex! Just do it! He stole her from me and he deserves what's coming to him! Stop being a pussy and just do it already!" I screamed into the phone. Hurting Jason emotionally seemed like my best option right now.

"Fine, bitch!" he yelled back hanging up. So, the plan is that we tell Jason that Steph is still going out with me and cheating on him, saying she's a whore, and basically ruining her reputation all together. I can't wait.

I'd hate to admit it, but Steph is not the only reason I want him to suffer, he's also the reason I tried killing myself. Yes, I almost did commit suicide because of a bitch, but whatever.

I walked over to the bathroom of the hotel I was in, looking at the sink. I saw stains of blood around the sink and a my razor blade sitting next to the biggest stain. One more cut wouldn't hurt. I took the razor and put about half of it into my skin, making a cut the size of my forearm from the end of my hand up. I fell down to the ground before I got the chance to clean the fresh wound. I was light headed and couldn't see a thing. The last thing I remember was someone coming in and screaming my name...

<End of Flashback>

~Steph's P.O.V~

Savannah finally picked me and Alex up and I told her to drive to the house that Jason was staying in. The car ride was so fucking awkward. Alex was there smoking pack after pack while Savannah hummed to the Black Veil Brides cd she put in the car, and I was just sitting on my phone scrolling through Twitter.

3 new followers from school, and one mention. The mention was from Jason.

MinecraftUniverse @TruMU
@StephieCow , thanks for nothing. Bye.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I knew I didn't mean anything to him, but you don't need to be a dick because I'm not her. So, I tweeted back.

Stephie ❤ @StephieCow
Sorry I'm not your definition of perfection, you disrespectful bitch. @TruMU

After I sent that, I realized that it was only sent a few minutes ago. Will he think I was waiting? Will that consider me a stalker?

"Oh, so you and Jason are having a Twitter fight, eh?" Alex asked from the back, laughing. How long has he been looking over my shoulder?

"Eh,fuck off, will ya?" I asked. What a bastard. I've had enough of Alex and his shit. Giving him a second chance was already a mistake. He'll always be a whore. Like everyone says: Once a whore, always a whore.

"We're here, now get out, please!" Savannah said looking at me. I hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut. Damn, everyone is just against me today.

I ran up the steps to the small home and ran inside. To my luck, the door wasn't locked. I ran in to see Jason on the floor, bleeding, and everything that was breakable, broken. Everything was shattered I quickly grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1.

"This is 9-1-1, what is your emergency?" the man on the other line said.

"M-My, uh, friend. H-He's on the ground and b-bleeding and everything is broken and I-I can't do this anymore." I said, taking in a shaky breath and trying not to cry. Ever since I met Jason, my life has been a literal living Hell.

"Okay, can we have the address? An ambulance will be on its way." and I told him where Jason lived. I wanted so bad to walk over to Jason, but I couldn't. He was surrounded in pieces of shattered glass and sharp clay.

"Stay on the phone with me, and please keep calm ma'am. The ambulance will be there shortly." and then I heard sirens.

"T-The ambulance is h-here." quietly spoken. I was scared. I was going to loose the one person that actually cared for me. I don't know if I can handle all of this shit happening so fast.

"Please, step aside ma'am." one paramedic said and leaded me outside, where I was greeted by police.

"Please explain what happened." the kind lady officer said, smiling slightly.

"W-Well, he came home from the hospital before I did a-and I had to get a ride back here to check on him. W-When I came back, I ran inside to find him like that. I-I couldn't get to him because of the fucking glass all over. I'm so useless." I explained, crying into my hands. I was so weak. I tried to be strong, but I couldn't. I've been acting for too long. It was time to just break down.

"Thanks, dear. You can get in the ambulance." the kind officer said. I hopped in the back with all of the paramedics. It was really awkward. All of us just sitting there in an uncomfortable silence for about 5 minutes while Jason laid there. He looked just as helpless as Zac, but this time it hurts more than my heart. It hurts everything, my eyes, stomach, brain, but my heart? That was already dead. I don't feel anything anymore.

We got to the hospital and all the doctors were rushing everywhere. I had to keep up with the gurney that Jason was in, so I had to jog with it. They said he needed immediate surgery, and they sent me to the room that he was set to stay in. He was on the same floor as Zac, I think. I have the worst memory ever. I searched for the room number and walked inside. It was a room for one and it was nice, don't get me wrong, but it just didn't seem right.

A young doctor came into the room and looked at me. He was holding a clipboard and looked down and then back up at me. He repeated his actions a few times, before opening his mouth to talk.

"You're married to Mr. Parks? He's a little, um, old and you look a little young..." he started bitting his lip looking down at the clipboard once again,

"Um, no? I'm here for my friend Jason. They told me this room, so I walked in here and, yeah." I said, looking down.

"Oh, the mysterious glass breaker? Yeah, this isn't his room. Here, I'll take you to the room he's supposed to be in!" he said, a little too happy for me right now, but he seemed like a sweet guy. He looked about a year or so older than me.

"I'm really sorry about the mixup! These doctors are so disorganized that they hired me to tell people room numbers. But what ever gets me credits, I guess!" he rambled on until he got to the door.

"Again, I'm sorry. Do you need a hug?" he asked me. Well, I just want to cry my heart out, but I won't. So I nodded and hugged him.

"I can see that you really love this guy and I haven't even seen you two together. Keep him and make him yours, and don't make the same mistake I did with my girlfriend." he whispered into my ear before pulling away. He gave me a small smile and then walked away. I then opened the door to see that Jason had a hospital roommate.

By Chance. ~A MinecraftUniverse Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now