Surrounded By Darkness

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(Alice's POV)

It was all dark for a while. Then I started to see a light. I was getting close to it. It went away, when I could taste and smell blood. Still in my unconscious state, trapped in my body, without any control. I knew I was being fed. When I stopped feeding, the white light came back. Then in a flash, I felt my body pull toward the light. I was now in a white room. As I looked around, I noticed it had no windows or doors. What is this place?

A glowing light appeared in front of me. Then a hand reached out to me. I jumped back, but I eased when the person came fully into view. It was Claire. I rushed to her, and enveloped her into my arms.

"What's happening? Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know, Alice. I'm scared, confused, and in pain," She said.

"In pain?" I asked.

"All I remember is Kane and two of his men coming to get me while you were asleep. After they got me out of the basement, I started feeling a sharp pain. I was bleeding, and my water broke too. They took me upstairs, to this hospital like place in the attic. So I'm giving birth right now, somewhere outside of this place," She explained.

"So, you dont know why we're here?" I asked.

She shook her head, then fell to the ground. She flickered before starting to turn back into a glowing light. I bent down to touch her, but she disappeared. I fell back in shock. Once the shock passed, I started screaming and banging on the walls.

"Help! Let me out of here!" I yelled.

After 5 minutes of yelling and banging, I gave up. I slumped down against the wall and cried. I dont know what is worse, being here or in my cell. Either way I was alone. Or at least I thought, until a hand touched my shoulder.

It was Claire, she came back, this time her baby belly was gone. I was confused. She helped me up, and wiped away my tears.

"Claire what's going on?" I asked her.

She put her index finger on my lips, and gave me a sad smile.

"I have to go. I need to know something first," She said.

"Why? Where are you going? What is it that you want to know?" I asked.

"It's my time, Alice. Before I go, I need to know that you're gonna-" She said but she started to fade.

"Claire!" I yelled as I reached for her.

My hands slipped right through her. She was glowing again, and so did I. I looked around, as everything was slowly fading to darkness. I looked in front of me at Claire, who was slowly fading away. Before I knew it, she was gone.

I felt my body start to fall, and I couldn't stop. All I could do was scream. The scream was nothing like how my Banshee screams were. It couldn't kill someone. It couldn't fling someone across the room. It couldn't cause someone to bleed from their ears or cause their eye balls to pop out of their sockets. It couldn't knock someone unconscious.

I don't miss being a Banshee. I'm glad to have gotten rid of my curse. Did I even really get rid of it? I guess I will never know. At least not until I escape. Ceciellia would have the answers.

All these thoughts disappear as I am snapped back to reality. After falling for what seemed like an eternity. I hit something hard. I opened my eyes, and sat up gasping for air. Everything was blurry and bright at first.

When my vision came back, I looked around at the bright white room I was in. It was much different than the one Claire and I were in. At the side of my bed, sitting in a chair, was a scared Sophia.

She wrapped her arms around me, then pulled me back into a laying position on the bed. I tried to sit back up, but I was too week.

"Where's Claire? Where were we? What happened to us?" I rambled out all these questions.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," She said.

"Cut the bullshit, Sophia. Tell me where she's at! Where are her babies?" I asked as I sat up again.

"You need to lay back down and rest," Sophia said as she laid her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know how long I was out, but the last thing I need, is to go back to sleep," I said as I got to my feet.

My strength grew with my anger. Sophia grabbed my arm, and that was a bad move. I faced my palm at her chest, and she flew back against the wall. Knocking her unconscious.

I have no idea where all these new powers were coming from. I wasn't sure if I should be embracing them, or be scared of them.

I unhooked myself from all the machines. Then I took one last look at the unconscious Sophia, before leaving the room. My hearing senses were heightened. I listened for Claire or her babies.

I followed an all to familiar smell. To the room next to the one I was in. I heard a baby crying. Where's the other baby? Or is there more than one pregnant vampire they're keeping imprisoned?

I opened the door, and gasped at the sight. Claire, dressed in a hospital gown, was soaked in blood and sweat. Her eyes were closed, and she was no longer breathing. She is dead...

A tear escape my eye, as anger built up inside me. It wasn't a dream. We were somewhere else, but not dreaming. I tore my attention away from innocent human girl that was pregnant. The girl that Kane had me turn into a vampire.

Two male vampires turned to face me, both holding a baby in a blanket. The one on the right was holding a small baby boy in a blue blanket. The one on the left held a girl, who was slightly bigger than the boy, in a pink blanket.

They weren't crying. I didn't want to think they were dead. So, I reached out for them, but Kane stepped in front of them. I looked up at him, with anger in my eyes.

"Let me see them!" I yelled.

"I'm afraid that's not possible," He said.

"Why not?" I asked?

He motioned for two of his other guards to take me away. I fought like hell, but it wasn't enough. I felt a sharp pain in my neck, before becoming light headed. As they pulled me away from the room, the last thing I remember seeing was Sophia handing Kane a needle.

Either the needle is what was forced into my neck to sedate me, or they were going to do something to the babies. All I know is that this was the last straw. I will not let him do this to anymore people.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, I made a promise to myself. When I wake up, I'm gonna find those babies and escape. I won't be bringing Sophia, she can no longer be trusted. If I'm going to do this, I will need to rest, in order to regain my power and strength. I gave up fighting, and my body went limp. Slowly being surrounded by darkness.

(Pic is of a dead Claire)

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now