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(Alex's POV)

I took my place as King of the Vampires, with Anna as my Queen, and Ali as my little princess. We had been building bridges with other creatures. Killing off the rest of the cruel hybrids Kane had created. Order was restored to the world. With the exception of Ali, Tate, and Alice, being hybrids. They were accepted by the rest of the original creations. Although my brother and I had different feelings, I still missed him. The old him. Back when he wasn't so corrupted. The search for Sophia, James, and the missing baby were still going on, but to no avail. It was as if they had vanished from the face of the earth. We had thought the same thing about Alice, but we had found her. There's no doubt in my mind that we will find Sophia and James, and save the child.

(Anna's POV)

I went from being a human, to the Queen of vampires. The wife of my little princesses father. The friend of the most powerful child of two Immortals. I had never felt so good. Well besides the morning sickness, caused by my second child growing withing me. I had learned that a human couldn't give birth to a vampire child. Alex had told me the story that Kane had told him about the slave who had given birth when Alex was just a baby himself. The slave hadn't been turned, before being impregnated by one of the vampire kings men. She had died because the baby fed from her, and had completely drained her during birth. I, on the other hand, had been turned by Alex, before I had conceived. I was thankful for that, or I wouldn't have been able to see my daughter grow up. She had become great friends with little Aiden. That was the name Alice and Tate had decided on. They have been staying with us in the new castle Alex, Tate, Damon, and Caleb had built last summer. It has a great ocean view. Well, I at least had a great view from my rocking chair. Thats where I would spend most of my time, rubbing my baby belly and looking out the window.

(Tate's POV)

After coming back from the dead, I had felt a little different. I could see things I hadn't been able to see before. But when I look at her, she is still the same beautiful girl I had fallen in love with 5 years ago. Only now she was rocking a baby bump. Everytime I touch her belly, I can feel them kicking. They kicked pretty hard. I mean after all, they are going to be a litter of a wolf, vampire, and witch hybrids. Alice's parents were excited. They had been busy, trying to take care of some unfinished business. Alice's bond between them had become strong, almost as strong as she was now. Her abilities were the greatest, next to the Immortals. But to me, she is the most special person to ever exist.

(Alice's POV)

After everything that happened, I was still learning so much. I been training with my parents on how to use my abilities. Not only was I growing in strength, but also had twins of my own growing inside me. I was scared and excited at the same time. Mostly scared that they would end up being like Aiden and his sister. My parents assured me that it wouldn't happen because Tate and I are both pure creatures. Aside from myself and the babies inside me, there was someone else who was growing fast over the last 6 months. Aiden had grown to the age of 1. My parents told me it was because of what he was. It is unclear when he would stop aging, and how fast he will age. But regardless of how big he gets, I will still care for him as my own. The children growing inside of me will know him as their brother. As for the baby girl, I'm not sure where she is, or how much she is growing, but we will find her. I won't stop til I do.

The End

For now....

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now