A Dark and Silent Place

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(Alex's POV)

We had been driving for hours. It's almost midnight, when I seen a Welcome to Colorado sign. I pressed the option button on the screen of the radio. I found the option in which I could call people, and three way called Tate and Damon.

"Hey, there's a hotel not to far from here. We can stay there to get some rest tonight," I said.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. How much longer till we get there?" Tate asked.

"It's about 20 more minutes," I said.

"Alright. We'll follow you," Damon said.

I clicked the end call button. I passed Tate on the road, and led them to the hotel. I put on my turn signal when I seen the hotel sign up ahead. These 20 minutes of silent driving was killing me. I miss Anna and Ali already. This is the longest I've been away from them.

It scary because I don't know what this journey holds. I could die, or worse, he could go after my family. I pushed these thoughts away as we pulled into the motel parking lot.

When we got out a woman with two babies was coming out of the main office. We walked past her, and Damon ran into her. I'm thought he would've moved, but he probably thought that she would've. He apologized, but she didn't say anything back.

Damon looked at me, and I just shrugged and kept walking. I looked back to see Tate watching her, and Damon was following me. He watched her until she went into her room. Then he turned around, and continued to follow behind me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I just... I don't know. I'm tired. Let's just get our rooms," He said.

I nodded before opening the main door to the motel. We were greeted by a blonde guy. Human. I could smell him as soon as we walked in. I walked up to his desk, and Tate pulled something out of his pocket.

"How can I help you?" He asked as he looked at each of us.

"We need a room," I said.

"Well unless you all are gonna share a bed, you're going to need two. We only have two beds in each room," He said.

"How much for two rooms," I asked.

"A hundred dollars each per night," He said.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out two hundred dollars and handed it to him.

"So why did you guys come to Colorado? Is it for the smoke festival?" He asked.

I said yes and Tate said no. The blonde guy gave us a weird look. I looked at Tate to explain.

"I'm looking for love. They're the party boys," Tate said.

I was proud of his explanation. For a moment, I thought he was gonna blow it. I watched as the blonde guy grabbed two keys. He's human I know that much.

I grabbed they keys for the rooms and headed back outside. I looked at the numbers on the keys. The numbers read 6 and 5. I gave Tate the room key that had a 6 on it and took the 5th room for me and Damon. Precautions have to be taken.

I look up at the sky. It was cloudy and dark, with an almost full moon and no stars. It made me long for Anna and Ali. I will call them in the morning. Suddenly, I heard a whistle. It was Damon calling for me. I walked towards him and he patted me on the back.

"I'm not a dog. You can say my name," Tate said as he glared at me for a moment.

I exchanged an apologetic glance with him. He walked into his room to drop off his duffle bag of clothes, before joining Damon and I in room 5. I sat the duffle bag full of blood pouches on the night stand beside the bed. Damon pulled out two blood bags, and handed one to me.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now