*Bonus* The Immortals Story

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(The Immortals Story : Just an explanation of what the Immortals are)

It all started with the Immortals, over thousands of years ago, many couples gave birth to children with special abilities. There were more than four to begin with. As time went on, and hunters came for the strange children with powers, they were killed off one by one. That was until the very last four remained.

Their parents were human of course, but the DNA of the the children were corrupted. Some say science and medicines caused it. Others say that they came from a higher power, such as God himself. 

The four remaining unique children were sought out by a prophet. After centuries of hiding, the Immortal children began to grow, so did their needs. When the original prophet passed away from old age, and was later replaced by a new prophet, the Immortals were given more freedom. Once it was a safer time period, they were released into the world.

With great supervision, they explored the world, met new people, and became accustomed to the new world. When they could find alone time, they were then able to reproduce. Their children had children, and so forth. It was like a chain reaction.

Not only did the Immortals never grow old in appearance, after reaching around 25 years of age, they would also never die. Their children on the other hand could die. They weren't as pure, some still aged, while others didn't. Some grew into new powers and abilities, others into forms and types of creatures. Some grew to be vampire's, werewolves, witches, warlocks, reapers (demons), banshee's, and much darker beings, others turned into fairies, mermaids, shape shifters, protectors (angels), and other pure creatures.

Immortals can do anything, they have every ability imaginable. They were almost as powerful as gods, but not quite. Their kin only absorbed a fraction of the Immortals abilities. As the amount of abilities went down, the types of creatures became different. Some where even half human.

Everything seemed to be working out just fine, but after a while, some of the creatures grew careless, and others became more power hungry. The ones who were careless, were the reason for the hunters to come back. They had been waiting for the return of the Immortals. As for the power hungry creatures, they tried to do the same thing that Kane is trying to do now.

The four remaining pure Immortals, put and end to it with a battle. The creatures were put into groups, and were labeled. They were given a set of rulers, Kings and Queens of each creature. The duties given to the Kings and Queen were to keep their kind out of trouble and to keep them safe. They were told to never interbreed two different creatures, in fear of all the creatures lives. It was forbidden.

The Immortals hid themselves once more. That was until the universe was set off balance once again by Kane. Now it was their duty to keep to their word. To keep the creatures separate, in fear of not knowing what kind of hybrids that could be made. To keep from the creation of something impossible to stop.

(Picture is of one of the female Immortals)

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now