Up In Flames

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(Alice's POV)

I felt arms carrying me, then a bed beneath me. Was I dead? I could hear voices, but I couldn't make out who was talking, or understand what they were saying. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was happening. All I wanted to do is open my eyes, but I couldn't. I couldn't even move. All of a sudden, I felt someone wiping off my face, which was probably the blood from my nose bleed.

"She needs to feed," A familiar frustrated voice said.

"There's too much going on right now," Another familiar voice said.

"How's Ali and Rain?" Another voice asked.

"Ali is fine, she was able to protect them as much as she could. Rain is hurt, but she is healing," A voice said.

"Let's worry about one thing at a time. For now, let's get Alice fed and awake," A man said.

I knew exactly who it was. His voice sent a warmth through my cold body. It was my Tate.

"Tate, don't you think you're wounds need healed?" A girls voice said.

Hearing her voice made my heart beat settle. I was so glad to hear she was okay.

"I'm not leaving her," Tate said.

"We will stay with her. There's a few things we need to talk to her about," A man's voice said.

"Are you sure?" Anna asked.

"She needs to know," A women's voice said.

Know what?

"Are you sure she is ready?" Tate asked.

Ready for what?

"I guess we will find out. Now, go on and get yourself healed," The man said.

I heard the door shut, and footsteps walking towards me. Just then, the sound of a knife being unsheathed rung in my ears. In that moment, I wanted to scream. I didn't know what was happening, or who these people where. Why did they have a knife?

I got my answer, when I felt drops of warm liquid hitting my lips. The sweet tasting, pure liquid, seeped through my teeth and onto my tongue. I could feel my strength slowly regaining. It was enough to allow me to be able to part my lips, and open my mouth slightly. The blood kept flowing into my mouth, and I didn't want it to stop. I went to grab for a hand, but ended up finding two hands. I was confused.

Slowly, I opened my sensitive eyes. Two blurry figures stood before me. Slowly my vision became better. I was shocked to see their faces. It was Emrick and Tara. We were in Tate's room.

"What..." I asked in a weak voice.

Tara put a finger up to her lips.

"Feed," She said as she nodded her head.

I grabbed both of their wrist and pulled them close to my mouth, drinking vigorously. The more I drank, the less I wanted to stop. I felt so strong. More strong than I did with human blood, stronger than the blood of a hybrid. Then again, I was drinking blood from two powerful Immortals.

"Feel better?" Emrick asked when I forced my self to stop feeding from them.

"Much better... Thank you, both of you," I said as I tried to sit up.

"Woah, don't get up so soon. There's something we need to talk about," Tara said as she put a hand on my shoulder.

When her skin touched mine, I could feel a tingling sensation. I pulled away, because it felt strange. Just then I thought of the conversation they were having while I was unconscious. My heart began to race as I thought about the battle, the babies, and blacking out.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now