The Road to Home

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(Alice's POV)

I was awakened by the cries of the babies. At first, I was confused about what was going on, but then remembered the situation I was in. After sitting up and turning on the side lamp, I checked the time. I had only been asleep for 6 hours. It was morning and the sun had just began to rise. I stretched before walking over to the spare bed, in which the twins were laying on.

The sunrise meant we were leaving soon. I picked out two bottles and two blood bags. I looked at the baby formula hesitantly. I poured half a blood bag into the one bottle, and baby formula into the other one. I fed the girl the bottle filled with blood, and the boy the bottle of formula.

They both seemed to enjoy their drinks. Something about the twins made me curious. The faster I get home the sooner I'll find out what the deal is with the them. Whatever the outcome may be, I have a promise to keep. I will protect them.

As I look down at the two precious nonhuman babies, it makes me wish I had my own. Then I realized these babies are mine now. I will be the one to take care of them. I wonder how Tate would react. Would he think they're mine? How would he respond if I told him that he was the one who saved them and their mother?

In that moment I realized how much I missed him. A tear escaped my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I then walked over to the sink and filled it with warm water to bath the babies. After bathing them I put clean onesies and fresh diapers on them, and they were out like a light. While they were sleeping, I decided to get a shower.

After going 5 years without a proper shower, I was excited to feel the gentle sprinkle of water on my body, rather than the cold, hard spraying of a hose. The warm water on my cold skin, felt exactly how I imagined it. Even though I loved getting a real shower, I made it quick, because I didn't want to leave the twins alone for too long.

After stepping out, I walked up to the mirror, which was all fogged up. Grabbing the hand towel, sliding it across it. The figure standing behind me, forced me drop to my knees. I hesitantly turned around, only to see that he was not there. I swore I had seen Kane standing behind me. After sighing in relief, I laughed at myself. For, I was only seeing things that weren't even there.

Just then the babies started crying. Forgetting a towel I rushed to them. As soon as I entered the room the crying stopped. It was strange. I grabbed the duffle bag, and pulled out a white tank top, ripped skinny jeans, and Sophia's leather jacket. After I was completely dressed, I brushed my hair and teeth.

Then carefully peeked out the window. I was very observant, which allowed me to see something laying on the steps in front of my rooms door. Opening the door by only a slight crack, I quickly snatched the paper that was laid their neatly. It was a bus ticket and schedule. I leave in a half hour, and Luna wasn't here yet.

Did she leave this here for me? Or was it her lover boy? Either way I had only a little bit of time. I could feel the excitement fluttering in my tummy. It sent a shiver up my spine, causing me to drop the bus schedule. That's when  something written on it, caught my eye. I picked it up slowly, as I read what it said.

Alice, go to the bus station. I can't leave just yet. I have some business to take care of. I will meet you on the other side.... Luna.

I wonder what she has to take care of, and when she brought this to me. I shrug it off, and place the paper on the bed side table next to the joint I never finished and the blood bag I never drank this morning. Before lighting the joint, I drank from the blood bag.

After smoking the rest of it, I could feel it's affect at work. I needed something to take the edge off, and this definitely helped. My bad thoughts drifted away, and my nerves settled. I picked up the twins. Both nestled against my chest. It comforted me, until the girl bit my chest.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now