She Knows

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(Anna's Pov)

Ali and I, who were wearing matching dresses, were greeted with a smile from Alex. Ali was the one who picked them out. She was so used to wearing dresses for special occasions, and being that we're leaving the house, she must know it's important. Alex hugged me tight. When I pulled away, I seen his smile had faded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Seeing you in this dress, makes me wonder what you will look like in a wedding dress..." He said.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked as I cupped his face with my palm.

"I hope to come back to find out. I want to marry you, if I come back," He said as he touched my hand.

"Don't say if..." I said.

"Only if you say yes," He said.

"Are you..." I said but he interrupted me.

"After all of this is over... Will you marry me, Anna?" He asked while on one knee.

I got on my knees, and hugged him.

"Of course I will. I love you Alex," I said as I kissed him gently on the lips.

The moment was interrupted by the clearing of a throat. I looked up at Tate.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked.

"I just proposed," Alex said.

"Well I bet Alice will be happy to come to the wedding when we bring her back," He said.

Poor Tate, I can feel his broken heart. He needs her, just as much as I do. He's been waiting for so long to find Alice, his one true love. Well... she is his mate. Just like Alex is mine. Which makes me fear dying of a broken heart, if Alex doesn't come back. Especially, since he just proposed to me, but also because of our daughter. I grew up without a father and a terrible, drunken mother.

"Well, it's 5 o'clock. We best be leaving soon," He said.

Alex helped me to my feet. Before we went out the door, Alex led me to the kitchen. In a cooler that's on top of the fridge, there was blood bags filled to the top.

"I'm confused," I said.

"I have a duffle bag full for me and Damon, too. If Kane follows us back here, after we rescue Alice. We need to prepare for a war," Alex said.

"So, do you want to start feeding Ali higher dosages?" I asked.

"She will be kept somewhere safe. She's too small, and not powerful enough to help us win this battle," He said.

"Where?" I asked.

"When the time comes, I will tell you," Alex said.

"So, this is it. Now or never. This war is starting?" I asked.

He cupped my face in his hands.

"Yes, but I will finish it. He will die. He will never hurt our family or anyone else ever again," He said.

"I love you, Alex. I need you. We need you. Promise you'll come back," I said.

"I love you, too, Anna. I promise I'll be coming home to our family," He said.

We walked out the front door, and headed toward his car. Ali was holding my right hand, while Alex was holding my left hand. He buckled Ali into her seat, as I took my seat in the passenger side. Alex kissed me after getting sitting in the driver's seat. Tate was already in his car in front of us.

He pulled out of his parking place, and started to drive towards his grandma's house. Alex followed him. I gripped his hand, and laid my head against the window. It was filled with so many thoughts of what could happen. I could feel my eyes begin to get heavy. I didn't want to fall asleep in the last few minutes I had with Alex, but his thumb brushed my hand. In that moment, I felt safe and secure, and all my bad thoughts drifted away.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax. Suddenly, my body became light, as if I were floating away. I was falling asleep, and I couldn't fight it. So I didn't.

(Alex's POV)

I had Tate cast a spell on Anna, to help her sleep. She needs her rest. I don't want her to worry. Although this whole situation scares me to death. I don't know what will happen, but I will not go down without a fight. I will not let him destroy everything.

I will raise my own army, and fight against him. He will die by my own hand, andI shall take my place as the King of the Vampires. I will make Anna my queen. Together we will fix the order of the creatures. I will make things right again.

I watch the road in front of me, as Tate parks his car in front of the library, which is also his grandmother's house. It truly is a good hiding place for a witch. I parked behind Tate's car, and Damon parked behind me. After we all exited our vehicles, I opened Anna's door, and carried her up the steps. Tate carried Ali behind me. Damon and Rain followed behind Tate. I had Tate go in before me, because my hands were full.

His grandmother, Ceciellia, welcomed us in her home, giving each of us a warm hug. She then led me to the spare room, where I could lay Anna down. Tate laid Ali next to her mother. After Tate left the room, I looked down at my beautiful, sleeping girls. I kissed both of their foreheads, before leaving the room.

I entered the living room, where there was some tension. I could tell that is was between Tate and his grandmother. No words were spoken, but I could tell something was wrong. I didn't intervene, because it was between the two of them.

I waited by the door, as Damon and Rain said their goodbyes. Tate tried to hug his grandmother, but she took a step away. Tate sighed, before walking towards me. He led Damon and I downstairs, and into the basement, where we gathered weapons for the journey.

We decided to just drive all three vehicles. Mainly, for safety reasons, but also so we could bring plenty of weapons. Tate's trunk was full of bottles of holy water, stakes, potions, and his silver sword. Because Damon and I were both vampires, we only took guns with wooden bullets, silver tipped bows and arrows, and explosives.

Unsure of what kind of hybrids we were up against, we had taken every weapon that could kill different creatures. This would be a fight we will never forget. So many will die, the guilty and the innocent. He has no idea what is coming to him.

Before getting in our vehicles, I caught a look of Tate. His veins nearly popping out of his skin. He was so tense.

"Are you sure your ready for this?" I asked him.

"As ready as I'll ever be. It's not the fight I'm worried about," He said.

"Than what is wrong?" I asked.

"She knows," Tate said, before getting into his car.

(Pic is of Anna and Ali)

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now