For Eternity

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(Alice's POV)

"You may rise," One of the Immortal men said.

I looked up to see four beautiful Immortals. It was new and exciting. Everyone formed a circle around them.

"I am Baldassare," The African American Immortal man said.

He was the creator of shape shifters and werewolves. Which is why both kinds are capable of changing back and forth. Even though he, along with the other Immortals, has every ability and power imaginable.

"I am Emrick," The American Immortal man said.

It took me a moment to realize he was staring at me. I'm not sure why, but I don't think its good. He was the creator of the vampires and witches.

"I am Raven," The African American Immortal woman said.

She was the creator of the creator of the fairies and seers. Seers are close to witches, but are more like protector or psychics, and are also blind. Raven explained that when she was born, she died and came back. Which could be related to Claire's babies.

"I am Tara," The American Immortal said.

She had created the succubuses. They are the closest thing to a banshee, but is different because they are only females, and banshees are both genders. She also created the reapers. Creatures that take the souls of the dead, and leave behind only their shadows. That explains the shadows I'd seen at the last place I was held captive. There had been so much death at that place.

"I'm so glad that you could all make it," Ceciellia said.

"It needs to be dealt with. After all they're our kin," Baldassare said.

"As are we all," Cora said with a smile.

"Are you really the Immortals?" Leo asked.

"Why do you question us boy?" Raven asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I just thought you would be a lot bigger," Leo said with a nervous chuckle.

"He's mortal, you will have to excuse him," Ceciellia said as she finished handing out a vial filled with the same liquid Tate and her drank in the first battle.

It was to keep us safe from the cries of the banshees. I had forgotten how powerful I was as a banshee. Now I'll get to see them using their abilities. I was scared and excited.

"I see. Are you sure you'll be able to fight in this battle?" Raven asked.

"We're packing many weapons," Kyle replied as he patted his weapons.

He even held out his bow and arrows, to show them off.

"Do you even know what you are up against?" Emrick asked, with his eyes still fixed on me.

This was really starting to freak me out. I think Tate could sense it, because he grabbed my hand. When I looked up at him, he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"I'm sure our weapons can handle it," David said in a reassuring tone.

Just then a big bang interrupted the conversation.

"Wanna put your words to the test?" A familiar voice asked.

We all turned to see Kane, Sophia, and their army of mutated beings. There was more of them then there were of us, but not that much more. I'm not sure how this will turn out, but I know one thing. I won't stop fighting.

Kane stepped forward among his army, and held out his hand. What was he up to.

"Brother give up now, and we don't have to fight," He said.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now