Chapter One

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Once upon a time in the land of Beacon Hills there lived a girl with long locks of strawberry blonde hair that cascaded down her back, bouncing as she skipped down her street with glee. Her name was Lydia, Lydia Martin to be exact, and she lived with her father and mother in a beautiful house that felt like home. However, in Lydia's mind, she viewed her house as somewhat of a castle. He life was like living in paradise, she truly was living a fairy tale.

Sometimes Lydia would stroll her neighborhood while her parents would each take one of her teeny hands, swinging her back-and-forth. Other times, she would talk to her neighbor or play on her play-set out back, but her favorite thing to do was listening to her parents read to her each night before she fell asleep. Lydia always loved a good story from her parents. When her mother would read, Lydia was always anticipating on what was going to happen next, keeping her daughter on her toes. Whereas, when her father would read, Lydia would get riled up, laughing at the different voices he used to represent a character.

Lydia's mother and father were wealthy and well-renowned at this stage of Lydia's life. They had founded a successful and very popular fashion company, Enchanted, still popular today. Her father and mother worked side-by-side at the company as equals. They were partners. At a young age, Lydia began to develop the skill of orchestrating beautiful ensembles with the help of her mother. Her parents led somewhat of an empire that took the fashion industry by storm, dominating every other piece in it's wake.

However, the Enchanted company didn't always exist. Before it was established, Lydia's mother and father worked at a company that would grow to be Enchanted's rival called The Fetish Fox. Her mother and father worked in the accessories department at The Fetish Fox. Until they both decided that they wanted something more, leading to the birth of Enchanted, a place where the two of them could be in charge of their work. Her mother created the designs while her father dealt mostly with the investments.

Unfortunately, nothing in this loving family's life could stay perfect like this forever, because that's not realistic. One day, Lydia's perfect family's bubble popped and a few days later, Lydia stood in a graveyard holding her father's hand while her mother was being lowered into the Earth.

Lydia was ten-years-old when her mother died. By the age of ten, Lydia already understood the whole concept of death and going to a better place. Lydia's eyes released a river's worth of tears over her mother's death, but her father cried even more. Lydia was wise for a ten-year-old. Maybe this was because she had an old soul or she was just mature for her age. Either way, she realized that when something bad happened, you needed to get back on your feet, and you don't necessarily have to move on, but you do have to keep going.

To help her father get back on his feet, she practically begged him to read to her every night, until he complied. So the two of them continued the tradition, reading stories with one another every night. This alleviated some of the pain that Lydia's mother's death had caused, allowing for them to remember the good times they shared. It was all a part of the healing process.

Lydia's father decided to keep busy with work to hide the pain of his wife's death because he still had a responsibility and a fashion company to run. Her father spent less time with Lydia, which in a way kept him sane because she reminded him of his wife, making him extremely depressed. However, Lydia never liked him being gone.

He hired a babysitter for Lydia and bought her a dog, Prada to keep the little girl company. Lydia's father put off the search for a new CEO for weeks after his wife's death until his personal assistant and other advisers at his company told him if he did not hire anyone soon then the company would begin to suffer. So the hunt for a new CEO at the company began.

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