Chapter Seven

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Allison still couldn't remove the smile that she plastered on her face yesterday. Allison was giddier than usually and had somewhat of a bounce to her step, which made her appear as though she was confidently strutting down the halls on that eventful Friday.

Lydia didn't even bother asking at this point on why she was happy and upbeat.  Lydia reasoned that Allison just was excited to spend time with Scott tonight.  Lydia was happy that her friend was allowed to attend, but don't get her wrong or twist her thoughts, because she didn't think it was fair that she was given the privilege to go.  Lydia acted like she didn't care and like she no longer had the desire to go around Allison. However, her brunette bestie could see right through her facade and knew that her friend was only fooling herself.  Which lead Allison to construct her bright idea in the first place and then later taking her plan to stage two, to set it into place.  Stage three was the execution of the plan and that still needed to be done.

Lydia had come to terms with the fact that she wasn't going to the dance tonight, but her sisters were. Victoria would be out which meant Lydia would be at the house doing an endless amount of tasks that would probably take the whole night.  It wasn't ideal for her to stay home, but she had to live with it.  It was one of the reasons why Lydia did what Victoria told her.  Victoria was her guardian and also dictated whether or not Lydia would be attending college next fall.


Classes today were fairly easy for the majority of the students. Less and less work was being given, because the end of high school was approaching for the seniors within the next two months. Most teachers were feeling generous today and allowed the junior and senior classes to have a free period or watch a movie, since the Masquerade was only for upperclassman.

In every class that day Lydia heard the words, dance or Masquerade roughly about fifteen times within five minutes. Students were talking about their dates, what they were going to wear, how they were going to do their hair.  All of the tedious tasks that they did to look beyond amazing and for some unrecognizable for one night.

In that one night of dressing up the guy that only wore ripped jeans to school could wear pants that didn't show his hairy kneecaps and people wouldn't make a big deal about it. The girl with the bad acne could cover it up with the loads of money she used to buy makeup from Sephora. And the typical high school jock might meet someone that is not as popular as him or sit next to at lunch on a daily basis, but laugh with rather than at them.

The dance was where everyone could be themselves. Not the reprogrammed robots that they were in school. It's like a red carpet show, no matter how popular you are, you just have to rock you. People may stop and stare at you like in the movies, but this is reality and reality isn't some romantic comedy that people from Hollywood used movie magic to produce. Instead it's high school which can result in them laughing or mocking you, because you have officially made a complete fool of yourself or their is also the possibility that your presence is causing them to drool. The drool can be caused by a head over heels type of moment for some people. At the dance their is always usually one group of people that show up to let loose, take a step back from all of the school work and have fun with friends or strangers. Strangers as in your peers which usually consists of a large population of people you barely know or socialize with on a daily basis. These can be people that you haven't talked to since middle school or been on a play-date with since the first or second grade.

As far as Lydia thought if she did go to the dance she would remain invisible.  She believed that she wouldn't be the one person that all eyes were drawn to. For anyone to know for sure the reactions Lydia would get from the other students that were attending the dance, Lydia would have to go. Lydia knew that her chances of Victoria allowing Lydia to go at the last minute were slim, but lucky for her she had a best friend that wouldn't let her miss out on their first dance. And yes that means that both girls have never gone to a high school dance within the past four years. Victoria and her stepsisters prevented Lydia from going to any dances and as a result Allison didn't go either which usually resulted in the girls having a movie night.  The two girls did not have the average high school experience as everyone else did.  They never drank an ounce of liquor, not letting that intoxicating drink into their systems. They usually declined going to parties which was a good thing, because on Monday people would always talk about how the cops came.  They were just two friends, two high school best friends till hopefully the very end.

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