Chapter Fourteen

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Pretending like there wasn't anything more than just a regular friendship between Stiles and Lydia proved to be easier than one would expect. They may have both mastered being friends, however, that didn't mean that in the inside they had some regret. In their own way they both wanted to turn back time to say a different word or talk for just a bit longer, but instead it was like this.

Like this.  Consisted of Lydia lying upside down on Stiles' bed, fumbling with the pages and the coils on her notebook while they continued working on the project.  She finally had made a crease on her violet colored notebook cover that was filled with doodles, quick reminders, and Allison's writing giving her boosts of confidence. She plopped it on the bed and stretched her body as a reaction to the several yawns that slipped out within the last twenty minutes.

It was 9:30 on a Saturday morning. The two were finishing up their project since it was due in two weeks, but both had activities to complete within that timeframe. Today they had planned to finish up learning and recording details about one another. They scheduled to work on the project after dinner which ended around eleven thirty last night, so the two decided to work first thing in the morning which was considered 7:45. They decided that having the day to complete the project would be beneficial and then they wouldn't procrastinate until the last minute.

As tired and early as it was the teenagers went through a yawning frenzy.  Lydia's constant yawning only caused Stiles to yawn too, since yawning is contagious. Stiles took note of both their yawning so Stiles' offered to take Lydia to grab a cup of coffee. She complied almost immediately leaping off of his bed, they each gathered their stuff, and they left to go to the coffee house.

By the time they arrived at the local coffee house it was packed with dozens of people.  Some could be categorized as hipsters, others looked sophisticated in their business attire, and then there was the small group of college kids scattered in the lounge area. 

After about five minutes of waiting in line behind a girl that clearly didn't believe in using deodorant Stiles and Lydia were next to order. Stiles ordered first, "I'll have a large Hot Chocolate and an everything bagel with cream cheese and a chocolate chip cookie."  After telling the cashier his order he turned to Lydia.

"And I will have a large French Vanilla Iced coffee with a chocolate chip muffin," Lydia told her. Stiles handed the cashier the money that was due. He then spotted an open table for two by the large glass panel window so he told Lydia that he was going to grab it before the young middle school students could while she waited for their order to be ready. Lydia brought their order back to the table, handed him his drink and a small bag containing the food he ordered, and then she took a seat to eat.

Since they had been spending so much time together a conversation naturally started between them. Lydia talked about mostly herself and since Stiles thought that it would be good footage for the project he decided to take a video of her. It wasn't like how he usually took videos of her, because she had no idea she was being filmed. After they began eating their order, Lydia went to the bathroom giving Stiles the chance to prop his camera up so she wouldn't even realize that it was even there.  He pressed the record button and then said into the camera, "this is real footage that is rolling.  Lyds has no idea that I am filming her so we are going to observe her in her natural habitat."  He chuckled before setting it down.  "And now we wait."

Moments later Lydia came back from the bathroom and took a seat back down at the table across from Stiles.  She took a sip from her drink before he asked, "so are you a big coffee drinker?"

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