The Final Chapter

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The two teens left the AV room as a couple, one that would last.  After, sharing the good news with their friends, Stiles and Lydia spent the rest of the night slow dancing in one another's arms on the dance floor, even when the DJ wasn't playing a slow song.  Sometime during the evening, Stiles placed his crown on Lydia's head, making Allison and Scott smile from a distance at how adorable their best friends were together.

Eventually, the Prom ended and Stiles took Lydia home.  Stiles' tuxedo jacket wrapped tightly around Lydia's petite frame as the two kissed under the twinkling stars in the midnight blue sky.  After sharing a goodnight kiss, the two parted ways and Lydia returned to her room.  Still wearing his jacket as she entered the pool house, inhaling the smell of cinnamon, proof that he was with her.  That he was hers.  Lydia waltzed into her room with a smile illuminating across her face, but it soon faded once she was greeted by all three of her stepsisters and her stepmother.

Without hesitation, Lydia received disapproving looks from all four of them.  Malia was in tears while Cora and Erica were comforting her on Lydia's bed.   Through gritted teeth, Victoria vociferated, "how dare you embarrass my daughter, steal her boyfriend, and return home like nothing happened?"

Before Lydia could explain herself, Victoria had made up her mind.  "I want you to clean, dust, and scrub everything in this house twice!  After you apologize to Malia for humiliating her, I want you to cut ties with your friends because lately they have been getting you into trouble, and then I want an apology!"

"No," Lydia stated, confidently.  This was the first time she had ever spoken back to Victoria, causing all of their heads to turn, appalled at Lydia refusing her command.  Lydia remained stern, crossing her arms over her chest.  She wasn't going to budge because Lydia had nothing to be sorry about.  She no longer had guilt resting on her shoulders, instead, she held a voice with a powerful and convincing tone.

Victoria took a step closer towards Lydia.  Lydia could have sworn she saw a flame flicker in Victoria's icy blue eyes, conveying the bubbling rage that was growing inside her stepmother.  "No?"  Victoria asked, making sure she heard Lydia properly.

"No," Lydia repeated, tilting her head up high.

"Then you'll leave," Victoria threatened, pointing to the door.

"Fine," Lydia said, heading to her closet to begin packing her stuff.

"We never wanted you and we only kept you because you have no family! We were all you ever had!  Where are you even going to go?  On the street?  You can't live like some hobo!"  Victoria was flabbergasted at how calm Lydia was reacting, especially with how fast everything was happening.  

Lydia continued to pack her clothes into her suitcase as the conversation went on.  "I have Allison, Stiles, Scott, Kira, Hayden, Melissa, and hell even Isaac.  Besides, I'll go to Melissa's house she'll welcome me with open arms, something all of you are unfamiliar with," Lydia stated, zipping her bag up.

"What makes you think Melissa wants you?" Victoria hissed.

"Because unlike all of you, she cares about me."  Lydia pulled a duffel bag from underneath her bed and began to pack her shoes.  

If The Shoe Fits-A STYDIA AUWhere stories live. Discover now