Chapter Eight

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Lydia took his hand and said to him, "what a gentlemen. Usually guys our age tend to be rude and sophomoric."

"Hopefully you won't find me to be either of the two, but I do admire how you assume that I am your age," he said smirking at her. He laced his clammy hands that were becoming sweatier by the second with hers and escorted her to the center of the dance floor.

She placed her hands on his shoulders while he held her by her waist. "So you made quite an entrance. I mean you certainly caught my eye along with pretty much everyone else's in here. You look great and by that I mean stunning. Is it weird to say that I felt drawn to walk over and ask you to dance? Never mind don't answer that question," Stiles rambled as sweat began to drip down his forehead. "Is is hot in here?" He picked up a piece of his jacket fanning himself until Lydia put her hand on top of his causing him to stop.

Then Lydia removed her hands from his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck. "If I am being frank then yes to your first question and no to your second. According to my observations you seem to be a bit nervous. Do I make you nervous?" A smug look appeared on her face and she lightly drew on the back of his neck with her fingernail, her finger being the paintbrush and the back of his neck as the canvas. It was unusual the way she was acting, confidence was radiating off her and she wasn't shy.

Lydia was entertained by him.  Although she had no idea who was behind the mask nor did he know her identity, she thought of it as a fresh start, a clean slate.  No one knew who was who at the Masquerade unless you took off your mask or said your name.  Lydia's hidden identity was similar to the origins of any superhero.  For example Clark Kent as Superman.  Clark Kent was Superman's identity when he wasn't fighting crime, instead he was just your average reporter working for the Daily Planet with glasses.  Kent was unnoticed he was ordinary, but once he put on the tights, his red cape, and that iconic 's' emblem he was known as Superman.  Eyes were drawn to him and he was considered extraordinary to the people of Metropolis.  Only in this scenario the people of Metropolis were the people at the dance and no matter how many people stared, Lydia only had eyes for the boy she was dancing with, her Lois Lane.

"Since you're being honest I might as well too. The fact that I have no idea who is underneath that mask is causing me to have butterflies in my stomach, but the good kind not bad," he informed her as the two began to sway back and forth in each other's grasp.

"Butterflies? Well unfortunately there is no cure for that illness and the chances of me taking off this mask are below zero," she forthright said, biting on her bottom lip.

If Lydia's mask were to come off then everyone would know that she attended the dance. And by everyone that means Malia, Cora, and Erica would inform Victoria that Lydia wasn't cleaning their house like she was told too. Victoria would certainly punish her for sneaking out to go to the Masquerade. Victoria could take away the money that was set aside for Lydia's college fund, give her more work, and make her life worse than it was currently.  She would have no problem simulating Lydia's to a living hell, that she as worse than what it's described as in literature.

"Could I at least get your name?"  Stiles asked her.

"That's the same thing as taking my mask off," she replied, furrowing her brows.

"Well at least now I know your smart. So that just helped narrow the list down," she laughed at his remark as he continued to rock her back and forth in his arms.

"Save your words of flattery.  You're still not going to find out who I am. I am just gonna be that one mystery that will never be solved," she informed him once more.

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