Chapter Three

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Lydia and Allison were sprawled out reading magazines on Allison's dark green colored carpet in her room. The girls were quizzing each other, reading articles to one another, and of course snacking.

Allison sat up from laying on the floor and enthusiastically informed her, "I found another quiz, it's my turn to ask you the questions now!" Allison gave Lydia a wicked smile and let out a giggle while Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Oh brother! This better not be as stupid as the other quizzes," Lydia derided. Allison let out a squeal and folded the magazine in her hand. Like a newscaster she grabbed her hairbrush and pretended she was speaking into a microphone. "Is that seriously necessary?" Lydia asked referring to the hairbrush she knew Allison was about to speak out of.

"Yes.  Yes it is.  Now before we continue with the magazine quizzes I would like to ask you a few questions about detention.  So how was it you rebellious one?  Did you get any tattoos?  Piercings?  Meet a biker pal now named Stone Wall?"  Allison playfully interrogated her friend, shoving the hairbrush in Lydia's face.

"It was detention, Al.  How do you think detention was?"  Lydia snapped back, wanting to avoid the subject.

"Sorry, Lydia, but I am the one who asks the questions here.  So did you enjoy an afternoon alone with your long time crush?"  Allison smirked and raised her eye brows up-and-down.  Allison was relentless, she would not let Lydia leave her house until she got all of the information out of her.  Allison would go as far as torturing Lydia by eating ice cream dipped in chocolate, Lydia's all time favorite snack in front of her while Lydia implored for some, like a dog begging for scraps.

Lydia's spine shivered when Allison referred to Stiles as her long time crush.  Lydia had always admired Stiles, not close, but from a distance.  He was the class president, the captain of the lacrosse team, and was hilarious.  Lydia never got close to Stiles or any other boy for that matter probably because Lydia's life was so intense.  Lydia was gorgeous and all, but some people could not handle having a conversation with her.  Most people did not know what to say to her or Lydia's stepsisters persuaded people from talking to her.  They treated Lydia like she had lice or a highly contagious STD, so they simply said nothing and ignored her existence. 

Lydia would never admit it to anyone, but her hormones would get the best of her sometimes.  Sometimes in math class she would steal glances at Stiles and other times Lydia would daydream about him.  Stiles was like the ultimate bachelor in the school, making any girl swoon once he gave them a wink or flashed them a smile. 

However, Lydia knew this was high school not some story her parents use to read her.  Lydia knew that she would never get swept off her feet and live happily ever after.  Only in fictional worlds the small, poor, and unpopular can rise to a better happier life of being rich and popular, not in high school.  The world had already managed to crumple any hope Lydia had on making that dream a part of reality.

"If you mean Stiles, then all we did was organize papers and talk," Lydia stated.

"Talk?  Talking is to general, elaborate for me.  I want to know everything,"  Allison besought, flapping her hands in the air, intrigued to know more.

"Well we talked about my family, his relationship with Malia, yeah.  That was all!"  Lydia stood up from the carpet and took a seat at Allison's vanity mirror to braid her hair.

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