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Kat's POV

Running. I was running through the woods. Faster, I have to speed up. It's going to get me. But what? What is "it"? Why am I running? Where am I running to? Where am I right now? Alert, this is the time. The time for what? Time. I need to freeze time. No, this isn't me. Time didn't freeze. so this can't be me. This isn't real. Not real, not real.

Road! Run towards it like Jess said. Jess? Jessica? She's dead. No. I have to stop. This isn't right. I stop. Still. Everything stopped. No wind, no birds, no clouds, no tree's. Just stillness.

"It's over now, Sarah." His voice made me freeze, "You fought well, you and your friends, but its over now. Your suffering will now end." Pain. I feel so much pain. Spencer with a sword. Crashing. I fall to the ground.. still falling. deeper and deeper. his eyes cold as ice. I've never seen him like this. "You killed my mate, my family, everything I had. And for what?"

'My sister.' I heard myself sob. No, not me. Sarah. I heard Sarah sob.

"SCREAM! SCREAM NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! IF SHE DIES YOU DIE! MY DAUGHTER YOU MUST AWAKEN BEFORE YOU NO LONGER CAN!" I heard the familiar, but panicked, voice telling me. Sarah and I screamed together.

One long scream. Breath. "SPENCER HELP ME!" Breath. Flinch. Wait. Nothing.

"Kat?" I heard an echo. Spencer drops his sword. "Kat wake up!" Scream. "Kat!! Kat listen to me you need to wake up. It's alright, it's just a bad dream, just wake up." He stops, eyes cold once more. Relax. He bends to pick up the sword. Relax. Sword rises. Relax. Sword coming down. WAKE UP!

I awake and flinch away from Spencer. He looked hurt. He had sweat dripping from his face. I must have scare the hell out of him. That or he also had a nightmare...or both.

"Sorry, I just had a..nightmare" I said hesitantly.

"No, you're fine hun, but I thought you were staying with Sarah tonight so that you could keep an eye on her?" Spencer said in a soothing voice.

"She's in the infirmary." I said just as alarms started going off in my head.

'She needs your help,' Nyx's voice played like a record in my head 'in more ways than one.' The sentence was on a loop in my head. It got louder and louder. I put my hands to my ears and shouted back at her.

"How do I help?! What do I do?!" Spencer stared like I was insane. It got so loud for a moment I didn't know what I was doing, I just knew I was yelling out in pain and then, soothing again, she gave me the answers I needed.

Hey guys! I am SO sorry this is so short, I have a lot going on and I havent even gotten my media project started so I apologize. I would like to thank you all for reading though and I want to thank cuddle_teddy for making me a book cover. It looks great! Thank you guy so much for reading and I'll update as soon as I can. Love you guys and have a blessed be.

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