Helping Out Jiyeon

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Yuna's POV

Ding dong

"I'll go get it!" I yelled as I ran to the front door.

I opened it revealing Jiyeon, "Hey!" She smiled.

"Hey! Come in" I smiled.

"What's the friend's na-" she was cut off by Hoseok greeting her, "Me" he smiled.

Jiyeon's eyes widened, "excuse us for a moment" she smiled as she dragged me to the kitchen.

She checked to see if anyone was watching us and when the coast was clear, she smacked my arm, "Ouch" I muttered as I rubbed the place she hit me.

"You never told me it was BTS and Hoseok!" she whispered-yelled.

"You never asked me" I smirked and she face palmed herself.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"Watching a horror movie and you have to 'protect Hoseok because he's scared of horror movies" I said emphasizing the word protect.

"Are you serious" she whined.

"Yep, you're going to thank me later! Trust me" I smirked.

"Is everything alright ladies?" Hoseok asked.

"Yep!" I said happily.

"Y-yes" she stuttered.

"Let's go! The movie started" He said and dragged Jiyeon.

While she was getting dragged, she turned around and mouthed, I'll-kill-you-one-day and I replied back with doing heart shapes. We all went back and I sat down next to Yoongi oppa. He hugged me from the side as I leaned towards him. I kept screaming and hiding behind Yoongi oppa as the movie went. Not only me, but Hoseok screamed the loudest and hugged Jiyeon. I saw her blush and looked down. Jimin was just behind Taehyung not even watching the movie. As soon as the movie ended, Hoseok turned the lights on.

"That was scary" He whined.

"We could tell, you were hugging Jiyeon until the movie ended" I teased and he blushed.

'Wait, Hoseok blushed?! This is going to be interesting' I thought as I smirked.

"I s-should go now" Jiyeon said as she stood up, embarrassed.

"Me too, bye" I said as I stood up.

"You're leaving already?"Yoongi oppa whined.

"It's already dark outside" I chuckled.

"Okay..." he pouted.

'Cute' I thought.

"Do you want us to drop you guys off? It's late" Jin oppa asked.

"No it's okay, I brought my car, but thank you" Jiyeon smiled.

"Okay bye" they waved.

"Call me when you get home babe" Yoongi oppa hugged me.

"Ok baby" I smiled as I pecked his lips.

"Bye" Jiyeon dragged me out of the house.

As soon as we got inside the car, she started complaining, "I hate you Yuna! You could've told me it was BTS's house! Then I would've dressed nicer and apply some makeup" she whined.

"You look cute and I wanted to surprise you" I chuckled.

"I saw him hugging you Jiyeon" I teased and she blushed.

"You're blushing" I teased.

"Shut up" she pouted and drove.

"Here we are! See you tomorrow!" She said as I got off her car.

"See you tomorrow" I waved.

I opened the door and went in. I saw dad and mom sitting at the couch enjoying the tea.

"Where have you been?" Dad asked.

"I was with Jiyeon, we just watched a movie" I said.

Well, I'm technically saying the truth since I did watch a movie with Jiyeon except that BTS was there.

"Ok, but you should come earlier! I was worried you know" Mom said.

"Ok mom" I pouted.

"You should go up now, you have school tomorrow" dad said and I nodded.

"Miss, your bath is ready" my maid said.

I thanked her and went upstairs after saying goodbyes with my parents. I entered my bathroom, which is inside my room and took my clothes off. I went inside the tub and relaxed. It felt very nice having a hot bath. I came out after 15 minutes and put on my pajamas. I tucked myself under the blankets and drifted to dreamland.


Grrrrrrr, I woke up after turning my alarm off. I did my morning routine and went downstairs.

"Good morning miss" my maid greeted me.

"Good morning" I greeted her back.

"Your breakfast is ready" she said and I nodded.

After eating my breakfast, I left the house. I got on my car and started the engine. I turned the radio loud and sang along, I felt very excited since it's Friday today! I parked my car after I arrived at my school. I missed lots of school days since I was in the hospital but I'm pretty sure I got excused. Seniors don't really do anything since graduation is coming up. I always thought about what I wanted to be and that's doctor. It's because I want to be able to know what to do if Yoongi oppa gets injured. I wish he quit being part of the gang, as well as BTS because it's too dangerous. I entered my classroom and sat down at my seat. Jiyeon was already at her seat.

"Hey Jiyeon!" I greeted her happily.

"Hey Yuna, you look happy today" Jiyeon chuckled.

"It's Friday!" I laughed.

When we were chatting, the door opened and BTS came in, "Wow they're actually early for once" I whispered to Jiyeon.

"I know right" she whispered back. When we were about to go up to them, Aerim and her friends already ran up to them.

"Oppa!" She giggled.

I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"What" Yoongi oppa said coldly without giving her a glance.

"Do you want to go out on a date with me?" she asked trying to seduce him.

"No" He immediately replied.

"Why? You kissed me before" she pouted and I huffed in annoyance.

"let's get it straight, you kissed me" he rolled his eyes.

"So, you're single" she pouted once again.

"Nope, I'm taken" He smirked.

"Who's that ugly slut!" She yelled angrily.

"Say that again?!" He yelled as he slammed the table.

"Who the fuck is that whore" she yelled.

"Me" I simply smiled.

"You bitch" she yelled as she raised her hand to slap me.

I simply caught her hand before she even touched me, "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Me" I said emphasizing every word.

I pushed her hand and she glared at me. Yoongi oppa came up to us and faced me.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"He asked worried.

"No, I'm a strong girl" I chuckled.

"You", He said pointing at Aerim, "Don't you dare touch Yuna because if you lay a finger on her, I will make you suffer! Do you understand?!" He yelled.

Aerim just looked away looking pissed but I know that deep inside she's shaking af. I know this because...


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