Surprise Birthday Party

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Yuna's POV

Few minutes passed by but he didn't show up. I started getting worried when I heard, "happy birthday to you! Happy birthday day to you! Happy birthday dear Yuna! Happy birthday to you!" While BTS, Jiyeon, Aerim, and Yoongi oppa came out from each corner.

Yoongi oppa was holding a cake with candles. He came up to me and smiled.

"Happy birthday baby girl" He said as he offered the cake.

I made a wish silently and blew the candles and they clapped. I heard someone taking a picture. The lights came on and I looked around to see all the decorations.

"I didn't even know it was my birthday! Thank you guys!" I said as I spread my arms for a group hug.

They all ran to me hugging me.

"How do you forgot your own birthday stupid" Jiyeon laughed.

"I don't know" I laughed with her.

We all parted and Yoongi oppa came up and hugged me.

"Thank you oppa" I smiled hugging him back.

"Thank you for being my girlfriend and soon to be wife" He said making others smile.

He pecked my forehead and I smiled shyly. We parted and he bent down on one knee. He digged into his pocket and got a case. He opened it and showed me the ring.

"I'll ask you one more time and more romantic this time" He chuckled.

"I broke your heart couple times and always made you suffer because of me. You were always hurt because of me. I know I gave you hard times but one thing, please know that you were, are, and will always be the number 1 in my heart. There's no one that made my heart feel the way when I look at you. I will promise you that you feel loved because of me. I will always be there for you. We will go through the hardships together and overcome them. So I have one question for you. Will you give me the honor to have you as my wife?" He finished and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes! I'll be your wife" I cried.

He stood up and hugged me. I hugged him back happily. He parted away and placed the ring on my finger. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I heard cheers from others as we kissed. We parted and he hugged me again.

"Thank you, this is the best present ever" I muttered hugging him.

"Thank you, and there's something more" He said and I looked at him confused but he just smiled at me.

"Can we open your presents now?" Taehyung asked making others groan.

"What?" He asked.

"Can they enjoy their moments? You just ruined them" Jin oppa shook his head.

Yoongi oppa and I laughed while they argue.

"Let's open the presents!" I said and Taehyung cheered.

"But where are my presents?" I asked.

"Over there" Jungkook pointed to the corner filled with boxes.

"Wow, that's a lot" I chuckled.

Yoongi's POV

Today is Yuna's birthday so I decided to do a surprise party for her. Last night, after Yuna fell asleep, I called my members and Yuna's friends to do a surprise party. They decided to set up everything since I couldn't make time. I told them how to decorate and how it's going to go but I didn't tell them the proposal. When I went to buy kimbap the other day, I stopped by a store to buy a ring for the proposal. I picked a ring and left the store happily when that incident happened. I wanted to make it more romantic so I didn't give her the ring when I proposed to her last time. Today went like I expected and I drove to the cabin. We walked in there and I left leaving Yuna alone. I went to the corner BTS told me to come. There was a curtain, so I went inside there to see others waiting for me. The candles were lit up and they handed me the cake.

"Aerim and I will be at the left corner" Jiyeon said.

"We will be at the right corner" Jin hyung said.

"You come from here hyung, come out when we start singing" Namjoon said and I nodded.

They quietly left and I waited. Not long after, they started singing and I left the curtain holding the cake. I went up to her and she looked surprised.

"Happy birthday baby girl" I smiled as I brought the cake closer.

She quietly made a wish and blew the candles. The lights came on and I put the cake on the table. After we hugged, it was finally the time to propose. I nervously got down on one knee and took the ring case out of my pocket with shaky hand. I told her what I wanted to say. When I was talking, I could see Yuna tearing up. After I finished, I waited for her answer.

"Yes! I'll be your wife" she cried and I stood up and hugged her tightly.

Even though she said yes the other day, I was still nervous and felt really happy when she said yes again. I placed the ring on her finger and kissed her.

'I'll make you the happiest bride ever' I thought.

Yuna's POV

We went to the corner that was filled with presents. I grabbed the one on the top and ripped the decoration. I opened the box to see a perfume.

"Another perfume Aerim" Jiyeon shook her head and Aerim laughed.

"Thank you Aerimah" I hugged her.

I opened every presents and thanked every one of them. I picked the last box and knew who it was, Yoongi oppa, because I thanked everyone except him.

"When did you have time to buy this?" I asked.

"I made time for you" Yoongi oppa grinned.

I quickly opened the present to see two shoes, one running shoe and one beautiful high heel.

I looked at him confused, "why did you buy me shoes? Do you know the meaning when a guy gives his girl a shoe?" I asked.

(A/N: In Korea, there's a myth that if a guy gives his girlfriend/wife a shoe, she will leave him)

"Yes I know and that's why I'm giving this to you. If you run away wearing this", he said grabbing the running shoe, "you will come back wearing this" He finished, grabbing the high heel.

"Aww oppa" I said as I hugged him.

"Call him romantic Yoongi from now" Jin oppa joked and everyone laughed.

"Thank you guys for all these meaningful gifts" I said sincerely.

"Thank you for being our friend" They said as we did a group hug.

"You guys are really sweet" I said and they grinned.

"Let's eat the cake now!" Taehyung yelled and everyone laughed.

"What" He pouted.

"Nothing, let's eat" I laughed.

We head over to the place we put the cake. Aerim handed us forks and we just digged in. After ten to twenty minutes, we finished the entire cake.

"Let's go now" Jimin said.

"But we should clean this up first" I said looking at the mess we made.

"Yeah, we probably should" Jin oppa said and everyone nodded.

We cleaned everywhere making the cabin clean. We left the cabin and got in the car. BTS brought a van but hid it so we couldn't see it when we first came here. Aerim and Jiyeon decided to sit with us so they're sitting in the back while Yoongi oppa drive.

'This is honestly the best birthday I've had' I thought as I smiled while we drove off.


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