Off To Daegu

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Yuna's POV

I woke up early in the morning to get ready. I happily got up and went to the bathroom to take shower. After I took shower, I put on the nicest clothes I have, it was a blouse with a formal skirt. After that, I put some makeup on. I didn't put a lot since I don't like heavy makeup. After I finished getting ready, I went back to the bedroom to see Yoongi oppa still sleeping.

"Oppa wake up" I said as I shook him.

He rubbed his eyes as he checked the time.

"It's only 8 Yuna. We're going to meet them at 1" He said as he went back to sleep.

"But we need to eat breakfast, buy presents for your family and get on the train to go to Daegu!" I said.

"It only takes 45 minutes to an hour to go to Daegu. And you don't need to buy anything" Yoongi oppa said with eyes closed.

"No! I can't meet them without any presents! Get up!" I said as I dragged his hands to sit up.

"Fine, I'm up" Yoongi oppa said as he rubbed his eyes once more.

He stood up and went to the bathroom.

"I'm going to make breakfast" I said.

"Ok" Yoongi oppa said.

I heard him turn the shower on. I happily went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two of us. I decided to make pancakes and wash some fruits. I was making pancakes when I heard Yoongi oppa.

"What are you making today?" He asked.

"Pancakes and I'll wash some fruits" I said.

"Ok, I'll wash the fruits then" Yoongi oppa said as he filed up his sleeve.

He got strawberries and blueberries out from the refrigerator. He poured them in a bowl and washed them.

"Done" He said as he placed the fruits on the table.

"I'm almost done" I said placing the pancakes on two dishes.

I grabbed the dishes and went to the table. I placed them down and smiled.

"Let's eat!" I said and he nodded.

We happily ate our breakfast and cleaned it up.

"Should we go now?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"Like that?" I asked and he looked at his outfit.

He wore a simple t-shirt and training shorts.

"Why?" He asked.

"Can we at least wear something nicer? Maybe a button up shirt with jean shorts?" I asked.

"Fine" he said as he went to the room to change.

He came out couple minutes after with the outfit I asked him.

"You happy now?" He asked and I nodded smiling.

"Let's go!" I said happily as we left our house.

We got into our car and drove to the mall. He parked the car and we got out.

"So what are going to buy?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"These" I said showing him the list.

"All of them? Can I just in the car?" He asked.

"You could stay inside, it's hot out here. You can wait in the cafe" I said and he nodded happily.

"Let's go then" I said and he nodded.

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