Leaving Home Officially

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Yoongi's POV

I woke up to see Yuna gone.

'Did she leave early?' I thought as I sat up.

I checked my phone to see if she left a message but she didn't. I placed the phone down and stood up. I went to the bathroom to wash up. I went to the kitchen to eat something when I saw breakfast with a note that said, oppa! I made breakfast for you! I'll be back soon, luv ya.

I smiled while I read the note. I sat down on the chair and started eating the breakfast Yuna made while checking my social media.

Yuna's POV

I rang the doorbell after taking a deep breath.

The door opened, "Yuna?!" my mom yelled happily.

She tried to hug me but I moved away. She sighed since I used to hug her back.

"Come in" she said and I nodded.

She step aside and I walked in.

"Honey, who ca-" my dad stopped talking when he saw me.

"Yuna!" He smiled but I didn't say anything.

I just sat down on the couch ready to talk to them. They sat down across from me and I started talking.

"I'm getting married, come if you want to. But I'm not going to hold your hand when I walk down the aisle. And I'm also here to get the stuff I left behind" I said as I handed them the wedding invitation.

"Ok, we'll come" my dad smiled as he took the invitation.

"Do you need help with the wedding? Should we give you money?" My mom asked.

"No, I don't want your help. I'll use the money I've been saving" I said.

"I heard that Chahyuk tried to hurt you again" my dad said and I nodded.

"You don't need to worry anymore, we told the guards to keep an eye on him" He said and I nodded.

"Thank you, I'll go upstairs now" I said as I stood up.

I went inside my room to see everything the same. I picked my largest luggage bag and started stuffing all the things inside the bag. I grabbed a big bag since I needed to put more things in. After I finished packing everything I went downstairs.

"Have breakfast with us" my mom said as she stood up when I came downstairs.

"No it's ok, I'll leave now" I said as I dragged my bags to the door.

"Wait, can you come back to the company?" My dad asked stopping me.

"I don't know, I think it's doing well without me" I said.

"But the company needs you, please come back to the company" my dad plead.

"Ok, I'll go starting from tomorrow. Bye" I said as I was going to open the door.

"Hold on!" My dad yelled and I stopped.

"I just want you to know that we're sorry and that we regret it everyday. We were stupid. We should've thought about you first. You're our first priority and we wanted what's the best for you.. we thought you would be happy if we did what we did but we were wrong.. we should've thought first.. I'm sorry.." my dad said sadly.

"It's ok" I said as I quickly left the house.

As soon as the door closed, I took a deep breath. I hold the tears that we're threatening to come out. I walked to my car and opened the door. I drove off to the market to buy some stuff. I entered the market and bought some food I need for lunch and dinner. After I bought everything, I drove off to my house. I opened the door and saw Yoongi oppa watching TV.

"Hey oppa" I smiled as I placed the groceries on the table and my bags next to me.

"Hey, how was it?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"They said they'll come but I'm going to walk down the aisle with you" I said and he nodded.

"What is that?" Yoongi oppa asked while pointing to my bags.

"Oh, I brought the things I left behind" I said and he nodded.

"Did you eat anything?" Yoongi oppa asked and I shook my head.

"How about you? Did you eat the things I made?" I asked.

"Of course" He smiled as he rubbed his stomach.

I laughed at his cute action.

"Oppa can we talk?" I asked seriously and he nodded.

We sat down on the couch and he looked at me.

"They apologized to me and they want me to come back to the company" I said and Yoongi oppa's eyes widened.

"That's a good news Yuna!" He smiled.

"I honestly don't know oppa.. I'd love to work again but I'm kind of scared.. what if they are using me again? What if they don't even care about me? What if they are acting nice for me to come back to the company?" I asked as I got scared.

"Yuna, calm down! They aren't that bad. They're your parents, you should trust there words. They even apologized to you. I think they want you to come back for your benefits" Yoongi oppa said.

"You sure?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yes, trust me this time" Yoongi oppa said.

"Ok.. that made me feel better" I smiled weakly.

"Let's change the topic, can we?" I asked and he nodded laughing.

"What should we talk about?" He asked.

"Our wedding!" I said excitedly.

"Sure, how many people are you going to invite?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe 20 to 30 people, I'm not going to invite a lot. How about you oppa?" I asked him.

"Same, I think around 20 to 30. Let's not invite a lot" He said and I agreed with him.

"I already gave an invitation to my parents. Here, you could hand these to your people" I said handing him the invitations.

"Ok, thanks" he said as he put the invitation to the side.

"Oppa, don't you think I should meet your parents before the wedding? I never met them!" I said.

"You're right, when should we meet them?" Oppa asked.

"Today!" I said happily.

"Today? I think they should get ready to meet you. How about tomorrow?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"Fine" I said sadly.

"Ok, I'll call my parents" He said and I nodded excitedly.

After, Yoongi oppa made a call to ask them and thankfully they said ok. We went through the day really happy.

Skip to night

"I can't wait to meet your parents!" I said happily as we lay on the bed.

"You're that excited?" Yoongi oppa laughed and I nodded smiling.

"I always wanted to meet them, but never had the chance to" I said and he nodded.

"Then let's sleep early" Yoongi oppa said and I nodded.

We hugged each other as we slowly went to dreamland.


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